I am trying to make a request to the youtube analytics api. and am having some trouble forming the requests so they are accepted. I am using the Google APIs Node.js Client
and my code is as follows
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import google from 'googleapis';
import KEY_FILE from './keyFile.json';
import { CHANNEL_ID } from './channelId.js';
const analytics = google.youtubeAnalytics('v1');
//fetch youtube analytics
export function youtubeAnalytics(start, end){
//initalise request data
const startDate = `${start.getFullYear()}-${('0'+(start.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)}-${('0'+(start.getDate())).slice(-2)}`;
const endDate = `${end.getFullYear()}-${('0'+(end.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2)}-${('0'+(end.getDate())).slice(-2)}`;
const scopes = [
//generate authorisation token
var AUTH = new google.auth.JWT(
//authorize request
AUTH.authorize(function (err, tokens) {
if (err) {
//create request
const analyticsRequest = {
auth: AUTH,
'start-date': startDate,
'end-date': endDate,
ids: `channel==${CHANNEL_ID}`,
metrics: 'views',
//make request
analytics.reports.query(analyticsRequest, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('Error: ' + err);
return false;
if (data) {
return data;
return false;
I keep getting the following error
Error: Error: Invalid query. Query did not conform to the expectations.
I think its to do with my request object
const analyticsRequest = {
auth: AUTH,
'start-date': startDate,
'end-date': endDate,
ids: `channel==${CHANNEL_ID}`,
metrics: 'views',
but all the examples i've found say that this request object should work. Ive simplified it down as much as i could. My original request (the one that i actually want) was as follows.
const analyticsRequest = {
auth: AUTH,
'start-date': startDate,
'end-date': endDate,
ids: `channel==${CHANNEL_ID}`,
metrics: 'views',
dimensions: 'video',
sort: '-views',
'max-results': '200'
after that i need to do another request to get all the associated info on the videos listed which uses a different api endpoint.
const youtube = google.youtube('v3');
do processing of analytics data to create batchRequest
which is a string of comma separated video ids
videoRequest = {
auth: AUTH,
part: 'id,snippet',
id: batchRequest;
youtubeApiData.search.list(videosRequest, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('Error: ' + err);
return false;
if (data) {
return data;
So In Summary
I need to do a request to various google api's and am having trouble forming the request so they are accepted (I have not got past the first request from youtube analytics).
can someone point me in the right direction?