我正在使用 Consolibyte PHP Quickbooks 连接。连接到 quickbooks 后出现错误:
IntuitAnywhere.php 第 468 行中的 ErrorException:未定义索引:oauth_token
我已经使用它快一年了,没有任何问题。昨天我们无法从 api 接收付款数据。我尝试断开连接并重新连接,这开始发生。我不知道该怎么办。我们有 mcrypt 设置,我们正在使用 php 7。我还更新到最新版本的 github repo,看看是否可以修复它,但它仍然在做同样的事情。
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Your application token (Intuit will give you this when you register an Intuit Anywhere app)
$token = env('TOKEN');
// Your OAuth consumer key and secret (Intuit will give you both of these when you register an Intuit app)
// To pass your tech review with Intuit, you'll have to AES encrypt these and
// store them somewhere safe.
// The OAuth request/access tokens will be encrypted and stored for you by the
// PHP DevKit IntuitAnywhere classes automatically.
$oauth_consumer_key = env('KEY');
$oauth_consumer_secret = env('SECRET');
// If you're using DEVELOPMENT TOKENS, you MUST USE SANDBOX MODE!!! If you're in PRODUCTION, then DO NOT use sandbox.
$sandbox = env('SANDBOX'); // When you're using development tokens
// $sandbox = true; // When you're using production tokens
// This is the URL of your OAuth auth handler page
$quickbooks_oauth_url = env('OAUTH');
// This is the URL to forward the user to after they have connected to IPP/IDS via OAuth
$quickbooks_success_url = env('SUCCESS');
// This is the menu URL script
$quickbooks_menu_url = env('MENU');
// This is a database connection string that will be used to store the OAuth credentials
// $dsn = 'pgsql://username:password@hostname/database';
// $dsn = 'mysql://username:password@hostname/database';
$dsn = 'mysqli://'.env('DB_USER').':'.env('DB_PASS').'@'. env('DB_HOST').'/'.env('DB');
// You should set this to an encryption key specific to your app
$encryption_key = env('ENCRYPT');
// Do not change this unless you really know what you're doing!!! 99% of apps will not require a change to this.
$the_username = 'DO_NOT_CHANGE_ME';
// The tenant that user is accessing within your own app
$the_tenant = 12345;
// Initialize the database tables for storing OAuth information
if (!\QuickBooks_Utilities::initialized($dsn)) {
// Initialize creates the neccessary database schema for queueing up requests and logging
// Instantiate our Intuit Anywhere auth handler
// The parameters passed to the constructor are:
// $dsn
// $oauth_consumer_key Intuit will give this to you when you create a new Intuit Anywhere application at AppCenter.Intuit.com
// $oauth_consumer_secret Intuit will give this to you too
// $this_url This is the full URL (e.g. http://path/to/this/file.php) of THIS SCRIPT
// $that_url After the user authenticates, they will be forwarded to this URL
$IntuitAnywhere = new \QuickBooks_IPP_IntuitAnywhere($dsn, $encryption_key, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $quickbooks_oauth_url, $quickbooks_success_url);
// Are they connected to QuickBooks right now?
if ($IntuitAnywhere->check($the_username, $the_tenant) and
$IntuitAnywhere->test($the_username, $the_tenant)
) {
// Yes, they are
$quickbooks_is_connected = true;
// Set up the IPP instance
$IPP = new \QuickBooks_IPP($dsn);
// Get our OAuth credentials from the database
$creds = $IntuitAnywhere->load($the_username, $the_tenant);
// Tell the framework to load some data from the OAuth store
if ($sandbox) {
// Turn on sandbox mode/URLs
// Print the credentials we're using
// This is our current realm
$realm = $creds['qb_realm'];
// Load the OAuth information from the database
$Context = $IPP->context();
// Get some company info
$CompanyInfoService = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Service_CompanyInfo();
$quickbooks_CompanyInfo = $CompanyInfoService->get($Context, $realm);
return [$realm, $Context];
} else {
// No, they are not
$quickbooks_is_connected = false;
return [$realm, $Context];
<?php if ($quickbooks_is_connected): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
QuickBooks connection status:
<?php if ($quickbooks_is_connected): ?>
<div style="border: 2px solid green; text-align: center; padding: 8px; color: green;">
<a href="disconnect">Disconnect from QuickBooks</a>
(If you do this, you'll have to go back through the authorization/connection process to get connected again)
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<a href="reconnect">Reconnect / refresh connection</a>
(QuickBooks connections expire after 6 months, so you have to this roughly every 5 and 1/2 months)
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<a href="diagnostics">Diagnostics about QuickBooks connection</a>
<?php else: ?>
<div style="border: 2px solid red; text-align: center; padding: 8px; color: red;">
<b>NOT</b> CONNECTED!<br>
You must authenticate to QuickBooks <b>once</b> before you can exchange data with it. <br>
<strong>You only have to do this once!</strong> <br><br>
After you've authenticated once, you never have to go
through this connection process again. <br>
Click the button above to
authenticate and connect.
<?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://appcenter.intuit.com/Content/IA/intuit.ipp.anywhere.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
menuProxy: '<?php print($quickbooks_menu_url); ?>',
grantUrl: '<?php print($quickbooks_oauth_url); ?>'
我运行了 Keith 提到的故障排除脚本,输出如下:
> Trying to hit URL: oauth.intuit.com/oauth/v1/get_request_token Did we disable SSL checks? false * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Could not resolve host: oauth.intuit.com * Closing connection 67
Trying to hit URL: appcenter.intuit.com/api/v1/Connection/Reconnect Did we disable SSL checks? false * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Could not resolve host: appcenter.intuit.com * Closing connection 68
Trying to hit URL: oauth.intuit.com/oauth/v1/get_request_token Did we disable SSL checks? true * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Could not resolve host: oauth.intuit.com * Closing connection 69
Trying to hit URL: appcenter.intuit.com/api/v1/Connection/Reconnect Did we disable SSL checks? true * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Could not resolve host: appcenter.intuit.com * Closing connection 70
php version: 7.0.1-4+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 mcrypt extension? true mcrypt module rijndael-256? NULL curl extension? true