I was searching before posting but it seems that VS2017 stops using project.json and instead uses .csproj file so when I try to run builds on either TFS or BitBucket, I get fails because the builds are looking for a project.json. Specifically a BitBucket pipeline will tell me that it can't find the project.json in a .Net Core project. Before I could simply run builds without a problem.

I am new to all of this so is this something I have to change or set in the .yml? Or is this something that BitBucket would have to change in their .Net Core pipelines?

Thanks for any assistance on this.


2 回答 2


试试图片:microsoft/dotnet:latest 看看是否有帮助。

于 2017-03-27T19:33:32.067 回答

好的,在与 bitbucket 员工讨论了一段时间后,这张图片有效。

image: microsoft/dotnet:1.1-sdk

但这还不是全部。如果您将自己的项目文件添加到 wwwroot 中,则 .csproj 文件中有两个部分,例如 .css 和 .js 等由 .css 引用的文件。构建对此抛出了错误。我不得不将整个注释掉,以使构建传递到 bitbucket 管道。我没有看到这样做的任何缺点,因为我的项目仍然正常运行并且仍然使用我的文件。如果我遇到问题,我会回来更新这个答案。但目前这是解决方案。

于 2017-04-12T15:21:35.370 回答