Plnkr:https ://plnkr.co/edit/TrjrZ4vQlOjxyjc1mKQt?p=preview






选择一个 Ticker 将激活标签状态,但是标签模板将替换顶级索引 ui-view。而不是在 Tickers 模板中呈现标签<div ui-view="tags@tickers"></div>模板。





登录后,您将被发送到container有 2 个视图的状态:dashboardfeed

我觉得我的问题是我没有激活 adashboard state也没有激活 a tickers stateif 那么在我当前的体系结构中如何做到这一点?

// Container module
var container = angular.module('container', [ 'ui.router' ])
  container.config(function($stateProvider) {
    const container = {
      name: 'container',
      url: '/container',
      views: {
        '': {
          templateUrl: 'container-template.html',
          controller: function($scope) {
            console.log('CONTAINER view $state');
        'dashboard@container': {
          templateUrl: 'dashboard-template.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('DASHBOARD view $state', $state);
        'feed@container': {
          templateUrl: 'feed-template.html',
          controller: function($scope) {
            console.log('FEED view $state');
<div class="dashboard-state">
  <div class="fl w100">
    <em>Dashbaord scope</em>  
  <!--<div ui-view="tickers"></div>-->
tickers.component('tickersModule', {
  templateUrl: 'tickers-template.html',
  controller: function($scope, $state) {
    console.log('TICKERS component');
    $scope.tickers = [
      { id: 1, ticker: 'AAPL' },
      { id: 2, ticker: 'GOOG' },
      { id: 3, ticker: 'TWTR' }
    $scope.clickTicker = function(ticker) {
      console.log(' Ticker clicked!', $state)
      $state.go('tags', { ticker: ticker }); // <~~~~ Action to go to Tags
<div class="tickers-state">
  <div class="fl w100">
    <em>Tickers scope</em>    

  <div class="tickers-panel">
    <div class="tickers-list">
        <li ng-repeat="ticker in tickers" class="fl">
          <button ng-click="clickTicker(ticker)">{{ ticker.ticker }}</button>
  <div ui-view="tags@tickers"></div>

2 回答 2





const dashboard = {
    name: 'container.dashboard',
    views: {
        'dashboard': {
            template: '<dashboard-module></dashboard-module>'
        'feed': {
          templateUrl: 'feed-template.html',
          controller: function($scope) {
            console.log('FEED STATE');


$scope.clickTicker = function(ticker) {
  console.log(' >>> ticker view state', ticker)
  $state.go('container.dashboard.tickers.tagslist', { ticker: ticker });


const tags = {
  name: 'container.dashboard.tickers.tagslist',
  url: '/tags',
  params: {
    ticker: {}
  views: {
    'tags' : {


// Container module
var container = angular.module('container', [ 'ui.router' ])
  container.config(function($stateProvider) {

    const container = {
      name: 'container',
      url: '/container',
      templateUrl: 'container-template.html',
      controller: function($scope, $state) {
        console.log('CONTAINER STATE');
        // $state.go('dashboard', {});

    const dashboard = {
        name: 'container.dashboard',
        // deepStateRedirect: true,
        // sticky: true,
        views: {
            'dashboard': {
                template: '<dashboard-module></dashboard-module>'
            'feed': {
              templateUrl: 'feed-template.html',
              controller: function($scope) {
                console.log('FEED STATE');


// Dashboard module
var dashboard = angular.module('dashboard', [ 'ui.router' ])

    dashboard.config(function($stateProvider) {
      const dash_default = {
        name: 'container.dashboard.default',
        url: '/dashboard',
        template: '<tickers-module></tickers-module>',
        controller: function() {
          console.log(' DASHBOARD.DEFAULT STATE')

    dashboard.component('dashboardModule', {
    templateUrl: 'dashboard-template.html',
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('DASHBOARD component');

// Tickers module
var tickers = angular.module('tickers', ['ui.router'])

  tickers.config(function($stateProvider) {

    const tickers = {
      // parent: 'dashboard',
      name: 'container.dashboard.tickers',
      url: '/tickers',
      params: {
        ticker: {}
      views: {
        '': {
          templateUrl: 'tickers-template.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log(' TICKERS STATE', $state);

            $scope.tickers = [
              { id: 1, ticker: 'AAPL' },
              { id: 2, ticker: 'GOOG' },
              { id: 3, ticker: 'TWTR' }

            // $state.go('tags', { ticker: $scope.tickers[0] });

            $scope.clickTicker = function(ticker) {
              console.log(' >>> ticker view state', ticker)
              $state.go('container.dashboard.tickers.tagslist', { ticker: ticker });

  tickers.component('tickersModule', {
    templateUrl: 'tickers-template.html',
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('TICKERS component');
      // $scope.tickers = [
      //   { id: 1, ticker: 'AAPL' },
      //   { id: 2, ticker: 'GOOG' },
      //   { id: 3, ticker: 'TWTR' }
      // ];

      // $scope.clickTicker = function(ticker) {
      //   console.log(' Ticker clicked!', $state)
      //   $state.go('tags.list', { ticker: ticker });
      // }

// Tags module
var tags = angular.module('tags', ['ui.router'])
  tags.config(function($stateProvider) {

    const oldtags = {
      name: 'tags',
      url: '/tags',
      params: {
        ticker: {},
        tag: {}
      // parent: 'tickers',
      views: {
        '': {
          templateUrl: 'tags-template.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('Tags view $state', $state.params);
            const tags_model = [
                ticker: 'AAPL',
                tags : [{ id: 1, term: 'iPhone 7' }, { id: 2, term: 'iPhone 8' }, { id: 3, term: 'Tim Cook' }]
                ticker: 'GOOG',
                tags : [{ id: 4, term: 'Pixel' }, { id: 5, term: 'Pixel XL' }, { id: 6, term: 'Chrome Book' }]
                ticker: 'TWTR',
                tags : [{ id: 7, term: 'tweet' }, { id: 8, term: 'retweet' }, { id: 9, term: 'moments' }]

            function matchTags(ticker, model) {
              return model.filter(function(obj){
                if (obj.ticker === ticker) { return obj; }

            $scope.tags_model = matchTags($state.params.ticker.ticker, tags_model)[0];

            console.log(' $scope.tags_model', $scope.tags_model)

            $scope.clickTag = function(tag) {
              $state.go('tags', { tag: tag });

            console.log('Tags init', $state.params);
        'list@tags': {

        'view@tags': {
          template: '<view-module ticker="$ctrl.ticker"></view-module>',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('VIEWS view $state');
            $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;
        'chart@tags': {
          templateUrl: 'chart-template.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('CHART view $state');
            $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;
        'social@tags': {
          templateUrl: 'social-template.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('SOCIAL view $state');
            $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;

    const tags = {
      name: 'container.dashboard.tickers.tagslist',
      url: '/tags',
      params: {
        ticker: {}
      views: {
        'tags' : {
          templateUrl: 'tags-list.html',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log(' tags-list controller', $state)
            $scope.ticker = $state.params.ticker;

            const tags_model = [
                ticker: 'AAPL',
                tags : [{ id: 1, term: 'iPhone 7' }, { id: 2, term: 'iPhone 8' }, { id: 3, term: 'Tim Cook' }]
                ticker: 'GOOG',
                tags : [{ id: 4, term: 'Pixel' }, { id: 5, term: 'Pixel XL' }, { id: 6, term: 'Chrome Book' }]
                ticker: 'TWTR',
                tags : [{ id: 7, term: 'tweet' }, { id: 8, term: 'retweet' }, { id: 9, term: 'moments' }]

            function matchTags(ticker, model) {
              return model.filter(function(obj){
                if (obj.ticker === ticker) { return obj; }

            $scope.tags_model = matchTags($state.params.ticker.ticker, tags_model)[0];

            console.log(' $scope.tags_model', $scope.tags_model)

            $scope.clickTag = function(tag) {
              $state.go('tags', { tag: tag });
        'view@tags': {
          template: '<view-module ticker="$ctrl.ticker"></view-module>',
          controller: function($scope, $state) {
            console.log('VIEWS view $state');
            $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;

      // .state(tagslist);
  tags.component('tagsModule', {
    templateUrl: 'tags-template.html',
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('TAGS component', $state.params);

// ViewHeader module
var view = angular.module('view', ['ui.router'])
  view.component('viewModule', {
    templateUrl: 'view-template.html',
    bindings: {
      ticker: '<'
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('VIEW component', $state.params);
      $scope.ticker = this.ticker;
      $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;

// Chart module
var chart = angular.module('chart', ['ui.router'])
  chart.component('chartModule', {
    templateUrl: 'chart-template.html',
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('CHART component', $state.params);
      $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;

// Social module
var social = angular.module('social', ['ui.router'])
  social.component('socialModule', {
    templateUrl: 'social-template.html',
    controller: function($scope, $state) {
      console.log('SOCIAL component', $state.params);
      $scope.term = $state.params.tag.term;

// TickersApp module
var tickersApp = angular.module('tickersApp', 

tickersApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


  const login = {
    name: 'login',
    url: '/login',
    templateUrl: 'login-template.html',
    bindToController: true,
    controllerAs: 'l',
    controller: function($state) {
      this.login = function() {
        $state.go('container.dashboard.tickers', { });

.run(['$rootScope', '$location', '$state',
function($rootScope, $location, $state) {
    // $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", console.log.bind(console));
      function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options) {
          // console.log(' ')
          // console.log('toState', toState)
          // console.log('state.current.name', $state.current.name)
          // console.log('toParams', toParams)
          // console.log('fromState', fromState)
          // console.log('fromParams', fromParams)
          // console.log('options', options)

      function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
        console.log('state.current.name', $state.current.name)

      function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error){
        console.error('ERROR toState', toState)
        console.error('ERROR fromState', fromState)

      function(event, unfoundState, fromState, fromParams){ 
          console.log('unfoundState.to', unfoundState.to); // "lazy.state"
          // console.log('unfoundState.toParams', unfoundState.toParams); // {a:1, b:2}
          // console.log('unfoundState.options', unfoundState.options); // {inherit:false} + default options

        // console.log('viewContentLoaded', event)
于 2017-03-23T20:11:57.673 回答

根据您提供的代码,我会说这ui-router是应该做的。您已tags定义状态,因此它将填充 unnamed ui-view,并且确实如此。当您单击tickers组件中的某个按钮时,它基本上会加载tags状态而不是container状态。

根据您提供的代码,您混合了加载特定状态时应显示的状态和视图。您正在尝试在占位符中加载一个tags 状态,该<div ui-view='tags'></div>占位符表示tags view的占位符,它是您要加载的特定状态的视图。这不是应该的工作方式。ui-router

这是您修改的代码的示例。您可以在此处看到我已加载您所在州的 、dashboard和视图。虽然其中一些在单独的模板中,但它们都是在相同的状态下加载的。feedtickerstagscontainer

由于您已经有一个示例如何加载不同的状态,因此login这里container的状态是您修改后的带有子状态的代码的示例。当您单击“Go To Private State”按钮时,它会加载container.private状态,这是状态的子container状态。如您所见,container.private状态与状态具有几乎相同的结构container。当您单击按钮时,它将加载为container.private相应占位符中的状态定义的视图。


从我所见,您将不得不修改您的架构以仅使用组件并在组件之间使用任一服务、某种 pub 子库或尝试使用$scope.$emit,并且$scope.$on如果您的控制器之间存在父子关系。

于 2017-03-23T17:35:52.377 回答