我正在尝试编写一个函数来将图像转换为 Windows 控制台的字符和颜色。目前,对于 700x700 像素的图像,计算大约需要 13 秒,但这个时间是不可取的,尤其是当我计划使函数更复杂以考虑字符形状时。
有哪些方法可以加快 C++ 中的繁重计算和循环,如下所示?有人向我推荐了多线程、SIMD 和内联汇编,但我将如何使用这些方法改进如下所示的功能?
unsigned char characterValues[256] = { 0 };
// This operation can be done ahead of time when the program is started up
ResourceInputStream in = ResourceInputStream();
// This image is the font for the console. The background color is black while the foreground color is white
in.open(BMP_FONT, 2); // 2 is for RT_BITMAP, BMP_FONT is a resource
if (in.isOpen()) {
auto bmp = readBitmap(&in, true);
for (int x = 0; x < bmp->size.x; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < bmp->size.y; y++) {
int charIndex = (x / 8) + (y / 12) * 16;
if (bmp->pixels[x][y].r == 255)
// This operation is for asciifying the image
FileInputStream in = FileInputStream();
if (in.isOpen()) {
auto bmp = readBitmap(&in, false);
auto image = /* make default image here */
Point2I imageSize = (Point2I)GMath::ceil((Point2F)bmp->size / Point2F(8.0f, 12.0f));
int totalImageSize = imageSize.x * imageSize.y;
auto palette = /* get palette of 16 colors here */
// Iterate through each (character area)
for (int imgx = 0; imgx < imageSize.x; imgx++) {
for (int imgy = 0; imgy < imageSize.y; imgy++) {
// Read image color value
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
int totalRead = 0;
// Read each pixel inside the bounds of a single character
for (int px = 0; px < 8; px++) {
for (int py = 0; py < 12; py++) {
Point2I p = Point2I(imgx * 8 + px, imgy * 12 + py);
if (p < bmp->size) {
r += bmp->pixels[p.x][p.y].r;
g += bmp->pixels[p.x][p.y].g;
b += bmp->pixels[p.x][p.y].b;
Color imageValue = Color(r / totalRead, g / totalRead, b / totalRead);
// A combo of a character and foreground/background color
Pixel closestPixel = Pixel();
float closestScore = std::numeric_limits<float>().max();
for (int col = 1; col < 255; col++) {
unsigned char f = getFColor(col);
unsigned char b = getBColor(col);
for (int ch = 1; ch < 255; ch++) {
// Calculate values
Color value = Color(
(palette[f].r * characterValues[ch] + palette[b].r * (TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE - characterValues[ch])) / TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE,
(palette[f].g * characterValues[ch] + palette[b].g * (TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE - characterValues[ch])) / TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE,
(palette[f].b * characterValues[ch] + palette[b].b * (TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE - characterValues[ch])) / TOTAL_CHARACTER_VALUE
// Add up score here
float score =
(float)((int)value.r - (int)imageValue.r) * (float)((int)value.r - (int)imageValue.r) +
(float)((int)value.g - (int)imageValue.g) * (float)((int)value.g - (int)imageValue.g) +
(float)((int)value.b - (int)imageValue.b) * (float)((int)value.b - (int)imageValue.b);
if (score < closestScore) {
closestPixel = Pixel((unsigned char)ch, (unsigned char)col);
closestScore = score;
// Set the character/color combo here