I'm new to web services and I've been breaking my head trying to find a simple java SOAP client program on the Internet.
All I want to do is send a SOAP message and receive back some response.
There is a website which offers free web-services.


You feed in the country name and it gives you the country's ISD code. It's as simple as that.

I want to send the country name to the web service and get back its ISD code using only Javaand without any external jars.


2 回答 2


试试SoapUI - 它非常棒,几乎涵盖了使用 Web 服务工作的所有方面。

于 2010-11-28T11:05:17.020 回答

如果您正在寻找测试 Web 服务的工具,我认识的大多数人都使用 Soap-UI: http: //www.soapui.org/

于 2010-11-28T11:05:08.220 回答