- 我从这个存储库中获得了所有源文件。
在Xcode IDE 中,我制作了静态库项目,之后我将所有源文件从存储库复制到我的项目中。

通过Carthage我已经下载了这个框架(正如我所解释的,源文件使用这个框架)并且我在Build Phases -> Copy Files(我选择了框架)中添加了新类别到我的静态库中。并成功构建(在部署目标10.2 上)
接下来,我制作了MakeFile并成功生成了四个Fat Binary .a库,没有任何问题。
xcrun -sdk iphoneos lipo -info libOSMapKitAdapter.a
Architectures in the fat file: libOSMapKitAdapter.a are: i386 armv7 x86_64 arm64
然后我在 Xamarin 中创建了Binding Library项目,并将Fat Binary Static Library添加为Native Reference(我将在下面显示我的 .csproj 文件),并且我将相同的内容用于链接到内部的框架(我已复制到项目路径中)静态库(也许是多余的?)


Parsing 5 header files...
[write] ApiDefinitions.cs
[write] StructsAndEnums.cs
Binding Analysis:
Automated binding is complete, but there are a few APIs which have been flagged with [
Verify] attributes. While the entire binding should be audited for best API design
practices, look more closely at APIs with the following Verify attribute hints:
ConstantsInterfaceAssociation (1 instance):
There's no foolproof way to determine with which Objective-C interface an extern
variable declaration may be associated. Instances of these are bound as [Field]
properties in a partial interface into a nearby concrete interface to produce a more
intuitive API, possibly eliminating the 'Constants' interface altogether.
PlatformInvoke (4 instances):
In general P/Invoke bindings are not as correct or complete as Objective-C bindings (
at least currently). You may need to fix up the library name (it defaults to '__
Internal') and return/parameter types manually to conform to C calling conventionsfor
the target platform. You may find you don't even want to expose the C API in your
binding, but if you do, you'll probably also want to relocate the definition to a
more appropriate class and expose a stronger type-safe wrapper. For P/Invoke guidance,
see http://www.mono-project.com/docs/advanced/pinvoke/.
Once you have verified a Verify attribute, you should remove it from the binding source
code. The presence of Verify attributes intentionally cause build failures.
For more information about the Verify attribute hints above, consult the Objective
Sharpie documentation by running 'sharpie docs' or visiting the following URL:
Submitting usage data to Xamarin...
Submitted - thank you for helping to improve Objective Sharpie!
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern double OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber;
[Field ("OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber", "__Internal")]
double OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber { get; }
// extern const unsigned char [] OSMapKitAdapterVersionString;
[Field ("OSMapKitAdapterVersionString", "__Internal")]
byte[] OSMapKitAdapterVersionString { get; }
// @interface OSTileOverlay : MKTileOverlay
[BaseType (typeof(MKTileOverlay))]
interface OSTileOverlay
// @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL clipOverlay;
[Export ("clipOverlay")]
bool ClipOverlay { get; set; }
// -(instancetype _Nonnull)initWithAPIKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)apiKey product:(OSMapProduct)product __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
[Export ("initWithAPIKey:product:")]
IntPtr Constructor (string apiKey, OSMapProduct product);
// @interface OSMapViewRegionRestriction : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface OSMapViewRegionRestriction
// @property (readonly, nonatomic) MKCoordinateRegion initialRegion;
[Export ("initialRegion")]
MKCoordinateRegion InitialRegion { get; }
// -(void)updateMapViewRegionIfRequired:(MKMapView * _Nonnull)mapView;
[Export ("updateMapViewRegionIfRequired:")]
void UpdateMapViewRegionIfRequired (MKMapView mapView);
// @interface OSMapKitAdapter : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface OSMapKitAdapter
public enum OSMapProduct : nint
static class CFunctions
// extern NSString * NSStringFromOSMapProduct (OSMapProduct product);
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern NSString NSStringFromOSMapProduct (OSMapProduct product);
// extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSUpperLeftCorner ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSUpperLeftCorner ();
// extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSLowerRightCorner ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSLowerRightCorner ();
// extern MKMapRect OSMapRectForUK ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern MKMapRect OSMapRectForUK ();
好的,现在我得到了编译错误,正如Xamarin 绑定的官方教程所示,我需要使用[Verify]属性检查字段,在解决问题后需要删除此属性,还添加协议属性等。
partial interface Constants
// extern double OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber;
[Field("OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber", "__Internal")]
double OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber { get; }
// extern const unsigned char [] OSMapKitAdapterVersionString;
[Field("OSMapKitAdapterVersionString", "__Internal")]
IntPtr OSMapKitAdapterVersionString { get; }
// @interface OSTileOverlay : MKTileOverlay
interface OSTileOverlay
// @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL clipOverlay;
bool ClipOverlay { get; set; }
// -(instancetype _Nonnull)initWithAPIKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)apiKey product:(OSMapProduct)product __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
IntPtr Constructor(string apiKey, OSMapProduct product);
// @interface OSMapViewRegionRestriction : NSObject
interface OSMapViewRegionRestriction
// @property (readonly, nonatomic) MKCoordinateRegion initialRegion;
MKCoordinateRegion InitialRegion { get; }
// -(void)updateMapViewRegionIfRequired:(MKMapView * _Nonnull)mapView;
void UpdateMapViewRegionIfRequired(MKMapView mapView);
// @interface OSMapKitAdapter : NSObject
interface OSMapKitAdapter
#if __UNIFIED__
public enum OSMapProduct : long
static class CFunctions
// extern NSString * NSStringFromOSMapProduct (OSMapProduct product);
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
//[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern NSString NSStringFromOSMapProduct (OSMapProduct product);
// extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSUpperLeftCorner ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
//[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSUpperLeftCorner ();
// extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSLowerRightCorner ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
//[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern CLLocationCoordinate2D OSLowerRightCorner ();
// extern MKMapRect OSMapRectForUK ();
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
//[Verify (PlatformInvoke)]
static extern MKMapRect OSMapRectForUK ();
错误 MT5214:本机链接失败,未定义符号:_OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber。此符号由托管成员 OSTest.Constants.OSMapKitAdapterVersionNumber 引用。请验证是否已引用所有必要的框架并链接本机库。(MT5214)
错误 MT5214:本机链接失败,未定义符号:_OSMapKitAdapterVersionString。此符号由托管成员 OSTest.Constants.OSMapKitAdapterVersionString 引用。请验证是否已引用所有必要的框架并链接本机库。(MT5214)
错误 MT5202:本机链接失败。请查看构建日志。(MT5202)

我的_Xamarin.Bindings_项目 的.csproj文件看起来如何:
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="Xamarin.iOS" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="OSTransformation.framework.linkwith.cs" />
<ObjcBindingApiDefinition Include="ApiDefinition.cs" />
<ObjcBindingCoreSource Include="Structs.cs" />
<NativeReference Include="OSTransformation.framework">
<NativeReference Include="..\..\..\MyPath\OSMapKitAdapter\libOSMapKitAdapter.a">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.ObjCBinding.CSharp.targets" />
只需确保您在链接器上选择了“仅链接框架 SDK”并作为例外工作!