I'm working on a very large and old code base of a desktop winform application. In this code base there are lots of operations performed in background threads, mainly using BackgroundWorker.

A common pattern in this code base, is to hide complexity by binding artifacts to the thread being executed. For instance, the database connection and transaction are stored in [ThreadStatic] fields.

I'm trying to change this, and start using async/await code, and benefit from running the task in any thread of the pool, and allowing a task to continue executing in any other thread by using ConfigureAwait(false). I know that [ThreadStatic] doesn't play nice with async/await, and I've read several answers over here suggesting to use AsyncLocal<T> instead.

Given that I'm working on a large code base, as mentioned before, I'm unable to switch to async/await everywhere in a single shot, and I must do this changes gradually. So the code that before had [ThreadStatic] will change to AsyncLocal<T>, but large portions of the code will continue using BackgroundWorker and won't hit a single async/await line of code.

Will this work? I need to be able to define some kind of context flow that will work with my new async/await code, and also keep working with my old non async code which relied on [ThreadStatic] keeping every thread stuff independent from each other.

If I'm totally wrong and going down the wrong path, suggestions are very welcomed.


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当您写入该AsyncLocal<T>值时,将为当前逻辑调用上下文设置该值。一个async方法将为其逻辑调用上下文建立一个写时复制范围,因此如果您一个async方法中写入它,它将创建一个包含新值的新逻辑调用上下文。这允许async方法以嵌套方式使用它,其中“内部”上下文可以覆盖“外部”上下文。但是, “内部”上下文值永远不会流回调用者;当“外部”上下文恢复时,它完全取代了“内部”上下文。


于 2017-03-22T18:22:06.500 回答