我正在尝试使用 Simpy 来模拟一些在城市电网周围移动汽车的行为。但是,我在概念上围绕何时使用类似的东西时遇到了一些麻烦

yield self.env.timeout(delay)yield env.process(self.someMethod()) 与仅调用方法相比self.someMethod()


Simpy教程还是挺密集的 。


class Car(object):
    def __init__(self, env, somestuff):
        self.env = env
        self.somestuff = somestuff

        self.action = env.process(self.startEngine())  # why is this needed?  why not just call startEngine()?

    def startEngine(self):
        #start engine here
        yield self.env.timeout(5) # wait 5 seconds before starting engine
        # why is this needed?  Why not just use sleep? 

env = simpy.Environment()
somestuff = "blah"
car = Car(env, somestuff)

1 回答 1



import simpy

class Car(object):
    def __init__(self, env, somestuff):
        self.env = env
        self.somestuff = somestuff

        # self.startEngine() would just create a Python generator
        # object that does nothing.  We must call "next(generator)"
        # to run the gen. function's code until the first "yield"
        # statement.
        # If we pass the generator to "env.process()", SimPy will
        # add it to its event queue actually run the generator.
        self.action = env.process(self.startEngine()) 

    def startEngine(self):
        # "env.timeout()" returns a TimeOut event.  If you don't use
        # "yield", "startEngine()" returns directly after creating
        # the event.
        # If you yield the event, "startEngine()" will wait until
        # the event has actually happend after 5 simulation steps.
        # The difference to time.sleep(5) is, that this function
        # would block until 5 seconds of real time has passed.
        # If you instead "yield event", the yielding process will
        # not block the whole thread but gets suspend by our event
        # loop and resumed once the event has happend.
        yield self.env.timeout(5)

env = simpy.Environment()
somestuff = "blah"
car = Car(env, somestuff)
于 2017-03-23T08:51:31.260 回答