假设我们有一个数据框,其中包含一组 3 个因变量和 6 个由分组变量标记的自变量。使用以下示例代码生成此格式的示例:

n  <- 15
df  <- data.frame(groupingvar= sample(letters[1:2], size = n, replace = TRUE),
                  y1 = rnorm(n,10,1), y2=rnorm(n,100,10), y3=rnorm(n,1000,100),
                  x1=  rnorm(n,10,1), x2=rnorm(n,10,1), x3=rnorm(n,10,1),
                  x4=rnorm(n,10,1), x5=rnorm(n,10,1), x6=rnorm(n,10,1))
df <- arrange(df,groupingvar)

如果我想在 x1 到 x6 的集合上回归 y1、y2、y3 中的每一个,我可以使用以下内容:

y <- as.matrix(select(df,y1:y3))
x <- as.matrix(select(df,x1:x6))
regs <-lm(y~x)
coeffs <- tidy(regs)
coeffs <- arrange(coeffs,response, term)

(通过使用 lm() 帮助中的以下行:“如果响应是矩阵,则线性模型通过最小二乘法分别拟合到矩阵的每一列。”)

但是,如果我需要先按分组变量分组,然后应用 lm 函数,那么我不太确定该怎么做。我尝试了以下方法,但它为两组产生了相同的系数集。

regs2 <- df %>% group_by(groupingvar) %>%
  do(fit2 = lm(as.matrix(select(df,y1:y3)) ~ as.matrix(select(df,x1:x6))))
coeffs2 <- tidy(regs2,fit2)
coeffs2 <- arrange(coeffs2,groupingvar, response)

2 回答 2


data.table中,您可以melt(重塑 long - 将结果变量堆叠在一列中,而不是存储在三列中)&lm通过两者groupingvar和结果变量:


#alternatively, set id.vars = c('groupingvar', paste0('x', 1:6)), etc.
longDT = melt(df, id.vars = grep('y', names(df), invert = TRUE))

#this helper function basically splits a named vector into
#  its two components
coefsplit = function(reg) {
  beta = coef(reg)
  list(var = names(beta), coef = beta)

#I personally wouldn't assign longDT, I'd just chain this onto
#  the output of melt;
longDT[ , coefsplit(lm(value ~ ., data = .SD)), by = .(groupingvar, variable)]
#     groupingvar variable         var          coef
#  1:           a       y1 (Intercept) -3.595564e+03
#  2:           a       y1          x1 -3.796627e+01
#  3:           a       y1          x2 -1.557268e+02
#  4:           a       y1          x3  2.862738e+02
#  5:           a       y1          x4  1.579548e+02
# ...
# 38:           b       y3          x2  2.136253e+01
# 39:           b       y3          x3 -3.810176e+01
# 40:           b       y3          x4  4.187719e+01
# 41:           b       y3          x5 -2.586184e+02
# 42:           b       y3          x6  1.181879e+02
#     groupingvar variable         var          coef
于 2017-03-21T20:35:44.233 回答

我还找到了一种使用 cbind() 实现此目的的方法,如下所示:

n  <- 20
df4  <- data.frame(groupingvar= sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE),
                   y1 = rnorm(n,10,1), y2=rnorm(n,100,10), y3=rnorm(n,1000,100),
                   x1=  rnorm(n,10,1), x2=rnorm(n,10,1), x3=rnorm(n,10,1),
                   x4=rnorm(n,10,1), x5=rnorm(n,10,1), x6=rnorm(n,10,1))
df4 <- arrange(df4,groupingvar)

regs <- df4 %>% group_by(groupingvar) %>%
  do(fit = lm(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ . -groupingvar, data = .))
coeffs <- tidy(regs, fit)
于 2017-05-24T15:17:48.220 回答