你有机会看看Office Helpers吗?它将帮助您非常轻松地进行 OAuth。
我不确定您的具体情况,但假设您想使用 StackOverflow API 进行身份验证,那么您将执行以下操作:
async function authenticate() {
/* Invoke the library */
let authenticator = new OfficeHelpers.Authenticator();
/* Register the OAuth provider by passing a name and the configuration */
authenticator.endpoints.add('StackOverflow', {
clientId: '<client id goes here>',
baseUrl: 'https://stackexchange.com',
redirectUrl: 'https://localhost:3000',
authorizeUrl: '/oauth/dialog',
scope: '<scope goes here>',
responseType: 'token',
state: true /* generate a random state */
/* returns a token or an OAuth Error */
return await authenticator.authenticate('StackOverflow');