I'm currently trying to improve the types on some existing code. My code looks roughly like this:

/* dispatcher.ts */
interface Message {
    messageType: string;

class Dispatcher<M extends Message> {    
        MessageType extends M["messageType"],
        SubMessage extends M & { messageType: MessageType }
        messageType: MessageType,
        handler: (message: SubMessage) => void
    ): void { }

/* messages.ts */
interface AddCommentMessage {
    messageType: "ADD_COMMENT";
    commentId: number;
    comment: string;
    userId: number;

interface PostPictureMessage {
    messageType: "POST_PICTURE";
    pictureId: number;
    userId: number;

type AppMessage = AddCommentMessage | PostPictureMessage;

/* app.ts */
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher<AppMessage>();

dispatcher.on("ADD_COMMENT", (message: AddCommentMessage ) => {
                                    /* ^^ REMOVE THIS TYPE HINT!*/

I'd like to remove the need to explicitly narrow the type of the message passed to the message handler (where /*REMOVE THIS TYPE HINT!*/ is), such that it correctly narrows to the type that has a matching messageType type (e.g. if messageType is "ADD_COMMENT" then message should be AddCommentMessage).

If this is not possible right now please let me know. I'm under the impression that it isn't but I'm not quite sure.


1 回答 1




interface Message {
    messageType: string;

太笼统了,我认为messageType: string排除了基于 值的任何推断messageType,并且看起来不可能在Dispatcher界面中充分缩小它。

如果您仅将代码限制为及其后代,这里是一个示例,如何通过字符串文字类型(实际上是字符串文字类型的联合)AppMessage制作打字稿来推断您需要的类型:keyof AppMessageMap"ADD_COMMENT" | "POST_PICTURE"

/* dispatcher.ts */

class Dispatcher {    
        MessageType extends keyof AppMessageMap
        messageType: MessageType,
        handler: (message: AppMessageMap[MessageType] & {messageType: MessageType}) => void
    ): void { }

/* messages.ts */
interface AddCommentMessage {
    commentId: number;
    comment: string;
    userId: number;

interface PostPictureMessage {
    pictureId: number;
    userId: number;

interface AppMessageMap {
    "ADD_COMMENT": AddCommentMessage,
    "POST_PICTURE": PostPictureMessage
type AppMessage = AppMessageMap[keyof AppMessageMap];

/* app.ts */
const dispatcher = new Dispatcher();

dispatcher.on("ADD_COMMENT", (message) => {


于 2017-03-20T23:40:17.330 回答