我正在执行这个 JCR SQL2 查询:

SELECT * FROM [my:type] AS n
WHERE NAME(n) LIKE 'node_name_prefix.%'
AND n.deleted = CAST('false' AS BOOLEAN)
AND CONTAINS(n.user, '1f12f97d-6516-48b9-ae75-47d17ef6877f') 
AND CONTAINS(n.state, 'executing')
OR CONTAINS(n.state, 'done')


Traversed 1000 nodes with filter Filter(query=SELECT * FROM [my:type] AS n
WHERE NAME(n) LIKE 'node_name_prefix.%' AND n.deleted = CAST('false' AS 
BOOLEAN) AND CONTAINS(n.user, '1f12f97d-6516-48b9-ae75-47d17ef6877f') AND 
CONTAINS(n.state, 'executing') OR CONTAINS(n.state, 'done') 
fullText=user:"1f12f97d-6516-48b9-ae75-47d17ef6877f" (state:"executing" OR 
state:"done"), path=*, property=[:localname=[(node_name_prefix.%..], 
deleted=[false], state=[is not null]]); consider creating an index or 
changing the query


NodeBuilder rootBuilder = this.segmentNodeStore.getRoot().builder();
NodeBuilder index = IndexUtils.getOrCreateOakIndex(rootBuilder);
NodeBuilder childNode = index.getChildNode(propertyName);
IndexUtils.createIndexDefinition(index, propertyName, true, uniqueValue, ImmutableList.of(propertyName), null);
CommitHook hook = new CompositeHook(new ConflictHook(JcrConflictHandler.createJcrConflictHandler()), new EditorHook(new ConflictValidatorProvider()));

  this.segmentNodeStore.merge(rootBuilder, hook, CommitInfo.EMPTY);
catch(CommitFailedException ex)
  throw new IOException(ex);

其中 propertyName 是以下字符串之一:deleted、state、jcr:localname、jcr:path、jcr:property、jcr:fullText、property、localname、path、user、fullText


可用索引:deleted, repMembers, counter, state, jcr:localname, jcr:path, acPrincipalName, jcr:property, jcr:fullText, uuid, property, localname, nodetype, reference, principalName, path, user, authorizableId, fullText

所以看起来我的索引是在一些 jcr 默认索引已经存在的地方创建的,比如 nodetype、acPrincipalName、reference、repMembers、authorizableId 和 counter

任何提示我在这里做错了什么?我只想确保查询尽可能快,所以我真的很想知道如何创建 Oak 将使用的索引。

我使用的是 Oak 1.5.12 版本,我的存储库是这样实例化的:

this.fileStore = FileStore.builder(new File("/path/to/my/repo")).withCacheSize(512).withMemoryMapping(true).build();
this.segmentNodeStore = SegmentNodeStore.builder(this.fileStore).build();
this.repository = new Jcr(new Oak(this.segmentNodeStore)).with(qes).withAsyncIndexing().createRepository();

1 回答 1


根据您上面的查询,您应该在 /oak:index 下创建一个lucene 属性索引,如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:my="TYPE THE MY TYPE DEFINITION URI" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0"
    indexDescription="My Index Defition"
    <indexRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        <properties jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
            <deleted name="deleted" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" type="Boolean" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"/>
            <user name="user" analyzed="{Boolean}true" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"/>
            <state name="state" analyzed="{Boolean}true" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"/>


+ myCustomIndex
   - type = "lucene" -> tells that your are defining lucene index
   - async = "async" -> should be alsways set to "async" according the docs
   + indexRules -> defines the rules for this index
     + my:type -> defines the index rules for your custom node type
       - indexNodeName = "true" -> indexes the node name and make "like" queries possible
       + properties -> the index rules for the properties on your my:type node
         + deleted
           - name = "deleted" -> property name
           - propertyIndex = "true" -> controls if this property is used for equality conditions
           - type = "Boolean" -> property type
         + user
           - name = "user" -> property name
           - analyzed = "true" -> when used as part of contains
           - nodeScopeIndex = "Boolean" -> control whether the value of a property should be part of fulltext index
         + state
           - name = "state" -> property name
           - analyzed = "true" -> when used as part of contains
           - nodeScopeIndex = "Boolean" -> control whether the value of a property should be part of fulltext index
于 2017-03-21T12:08:37.427 回答