我正在尝试使用 Cryptoswift 框架加密 Swift 中的文件。我做到了,但是对于像mp4,mp3这样的文件有点重,它很慢。我真的不知道它发生了什么,如果我以错误的方式实现或者算法是这样的。
do {
// write until all is written
let ex = "a"
func writeTo(stream: OutputStream, bytes: Array<UInt8>) {
var writtenCount = 0
while stream.hasSpaceAvailable && writtenCount < bytes.count {
writtenCount += stream.write(bytes, maxLength: bytes.count)
let path = "somewhere"
let aes = try AES(key: key, iv: iv)
var encryptor = aes.makeEncryptor()
// prepare streams
//let data = Data(bytes: (0..<100).map { $0 })
let inputStream = InputStream(fileAtPath: path)
let outputStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: "somewhere", append: false)
var buffer = Array<UInt8>(repeating: 0, count: 2)
// encrypt input stream data and write encrypted result to output stream
while (inputStream?.hasBytesAvailable)! {
let readCount = inputStream?.read(&buffer, maxLength: buffer.count)
if (readCount! > 0) {
try encryptor.update(withBytes: buffer[0..<readCount!]) { (bytes) in
writeTo(stream: outputStream!, bytes: bytes)
// finalize encryption
try encryptor.finish { (bytes) in
writeTo(stream: outputStream!, bytes: bytes)
if let ciphertext = outputStream?.property(forKey: Stream.PropertyKey(rawValue: Stream.PropertyKey.dataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey.rawValue)) as? Data {
print("Encrypted stream data: \(ciphertext.toHexString())")
} catch {