I read that, map can be defined using foldr, i.e. it is a primitive recursive function. At least for lists.

Now my question: Why is Functor not a sub type class of Foldable? And if fmap can only be defined in terms of foldr for lists, what makes them special?

Looking at a definition of map with foldr:

myMap f xs = foldr step [] xs
    where step x ys = f x : ys

I could use Monoids to get to:

myMap f xs = foldr step mempty xs
    where step x ys = f x : ys

But sadly I'm not much enough of a Haskell magician to get away with cons.


1 回答 1


但可悲的是,我还不足以成为一个 Haskell 魔术师来逃避缺点。

您发现了不允许将每个 Foldable 都设为 Functor 的根本问题;foldr丢弃折叠的结构,只保留(相当于)其元素的列表。您不能“摆脱弊端”,因为您无法知道仅给出一个Foldable实例的数据结构是什么。


data Tree a = Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Tip

instance Functor Tree where
  fmap f (Bin a l r) = Bin (f a) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
  fmap _ Tip = Tip

instance Foldable Tree where
  foldMap f (Bin a l r) = foldMap f l <> f a <> foldMap f r
  foldMap _ Tip = mempty


let x = Bin 'b' (Bin 'a' Tip Tip) Tip
let y = Bin 'a' Tip (Bin 'b' Tip Tip)

两棵树都有一个toList“ab”,但明显不同。这意味着折叠树的行为会丢失一些您无法恢复的信息(即左子树、右子树和元素之间的边界)。由于您无法使用实例的结果来区分 x 和 y Foldable,因此您不可能只使用这些方法来编写fmap这样的代码。fmap id == id我们不得不求助于模式匹配并使用构造函数来写出Functor实例。

于 2017-03-16T23:26:32.087 回答