我无法在 Anaconda - Spyder 中安装 Py4j。
我正在使用 Windows 32 位、Python 3.5 和 anaconda 4.1。
我尝试了多个命令,包括 conda install py4j
C:\Users\360529>anaconda search -t conda py4j
Using Anaconda API: https://api.anaconda.org
Run 'anaconda show <USER/PACKAGE>' to get more details:
Name | Version | Package Types | Platforms
------------------------- | ------ | --------------- | ---------------
Voskrese/py4j | 0.9 | conda | win-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
anaconda-cluster/py4j | 0.9 | conda | linux-64, osx-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
ashahba/py4j | 0.10.4 | conda | linux-64
auto/py4j | 0.8.1 | conda | linux-64, linux-32
: http://py4j.sourceforge.net/
blaze/py4j | 0.9 | conda | linux-64, osx-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
chdoig/py4j | 0.8.1 | conda | osx-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
conda-cluster/py4j | | conda | linux-64, osx-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
conda-forge/py4j | 0.10.4 | conda | linux-64, win-32,
win-64, osx-64
hargup/py4j | | conda | linux-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
marciorf/py4j | | conda | linux-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
mutirri/py4j | | conda | linux-64
quasiben/py4j | 0.10.1 | conda | linux-64, osx-64
sotera/py4j | 0.9 | conda | linux-64
: Enables Python programs to dynamical
ly access arbitrary Java objects
tapatk/py4j | 0.10.4 | conda | linux-64, win-64
Found 14 packages
看起来 Win-32bit 版本的 10.4 可用。但不知道为什么它没有安装。