expandDirect :: E a -> E a
expandDirect = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> apo coalgAdd (Add x y)
Mul' x y -> (apo coalgAdd' . apo coalgMul) (Mul x y)
coalgAdd = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgAdd' = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
Add x (Add y y') -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add y y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgMul = \case
Mul (Add x x') y -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x' y))
Mul x (Add y y') -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
)。在每个分支上,如果我们发现一些无效的内容,我们会返回并重写子树 ( apo
expandMeta :: E a -> E a
expandMeta = apo coalg . cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> pure (Var s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> Mul <$> x <*> y
coalg = \case
x :| [] -> Left <$> project x
x :| (y:ys) -> Add' (Left x) (Right (y :| ys))
这里使用,但变态只是一种奇特的变态,所以我猜这个命名法仍然适用)。catamorphism 将树更改为非空列表 - 隐式处理Add
s 的重新关联 - 列表应用程序用于分配乘法(就像您建议的那样)。然后,余代数非常简单地将非空列表转换回具有适当形状的树。
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import Test.QuickCheck
data E a = Var a | Add (E a) (E a) | Mul (E a) (E a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)
data EF a b = Var' a | Add' b b | Mul' b b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type instance Base (E a) = EF a
instance Recursive (E a) where
project = \case
Var x -> Var' x
Add x y -> Add' x y
Mul x y -> Mul' x y
instance Corecursive (E a) where
embed = \case
Var' x -> Var x
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> Mul x y
expandTooClever :: E a -> E a
expandTooClever = cata $ \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> foldr1 Add (Mul <$> flatten x <*> flatten y)
flatten :: E a -> NonEmpty (E a)
flatten = cata $ \case
Var' s -> pure (Var s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> pure (foldr1 Mul (x <> y))
的,对于两个子树来说,一个完整的折叠,只要它达到 a Mul
,它对于 的链都有可怕的渐近性Mul
expandBrute :: E a -> E a
expandBrute = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' (Add x x') y -> Add (alg (Mul' x y)) (alg (Mul' x' y))
Mul' x (Add y y') -> Add (alg (Mul' x y)) (alg (Mul' x y'))
Mul' x y -> Mul x y
under Mul
expandNotSoBrute :: E a -> E a
expandNotSoBrute = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> dis x y
dis (Add x x') y = Add (dis x y) (dis x' y)
dis x (Add y y') = Add (dis x y) (dis x y')
dis x y = Mul x y
的 ,dis
s 和Add
s,你可以轻松地自下而上地复制树,而无需关心世界;但是,如果您点击 a Mul
expandEvert :: E a -> E a
expandEvert = cata alg
alg :: EF a (E a) -> E a
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> Add x y
Mul' x y -> apo coalg (x, y)
coalg :: (E a, E a) -> EF a (Either (E a) (E a, E a))
coalg (Add x x', y) = Add' (Right (x, y)) (Right (x', y))
coalg (x, Add y y') = Add' (Right (x, y)) (Right (x, y'))
coalg (x, y) = Mul' (Left x) (Left y)
; 但是,这需要浪费地重建Mul
s 的树而不做任何更改,这会导致相同的渐近问题expandTooClever
也是我对amalloy 答案的解释。BT
是一棵在叶子上有值的普通二叉树。一个产品由 a 表示BT a
expandSOP :: E a -> E a
expandSOP = cata algS . fmap (cata algP) . cata algSOP
algSOP :: EF a (BT (BT a)) -> BT (BT a)
algSOP = \case
Var' s -> pure (pure s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> (<>) <$> x <*> y
algP :: BTF a (E a) -> E a
algP = \case
Leaf' s -> Var s
Branch' x y -> Mul x y
algS :: BTF (E a) (E a) -> E a
algS = \case
Leaf' x -> x
Branch' x y -> Add x y
data BT a = Leaf a | Branch (BT a) (BT a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BTF a b = Leaf' a | Branch' b b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type instance Base (BT a) = BTF a
instance Recursive (BT a) where
project (Leaf s) = Leaf' s
project (Branch l r) = Branch' l r
instance Corecursive (BT a) where
embed (Leaf' s) = Leaf s
embed (Branch' l r) = Branch l r
instance Semigroup (BT a) where
l <> r = Branch l r
-- Writing this, as opposed to deriving it, for the sake of illustration.
instance Functor BT where
fmap f = cata $ \case
Leaf' x -> Leaf (f x)
Branch' l r -> Branch l r
instance Applicative BT where
pure x = Leaf x
u <*> v = ana coalg (u, v)
coalg = \case
(Leaf f, Leaf x) -> Leaf' (f x)
(Leaf f, Branch xl xr) -> Branch' (Leaf f, xl) (Leaf f, xr)
(Branch fl fr, v) -> Branch' (fl, v) (fr, v)
newtype TestE = TestE { getTestE :: E Char }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary TestE where
arbitrary = TestE <$> sized genExpr
genVar = Var <$> choose ('a', 'z')
genAdd n = Add <$> genSub n <*> genSub n
genMul n = Mul <$> genSub n <*> genSub n
genSub n = genExpr (n `div` 2)
genExpr = \case
0 -> genVar
n -> oneof [genVar, genAdd n, genMul n]
data TestRig b = TestRig (Map Char b) (E Char)
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary b => Arbitrary (TestRig b) where
arbitrary = do
e <- genExpr
d <- genDict e
return (TestRig d e)
genExpr = getTestE <$> arbitrary
genDict x = M.fromList . zip (keys x) <$> (infiniteListOf arbitrary)
keys = nub . toList
unsafeSubst :: Ord a => Map a b -> E a -> E b
unsafeSubst dict = fmap (dict !)
eval :: Num a => E a -> a
eval = cata $ \case
Var' x -> x
Add' x y -> x + y
Mul' x y -> x * y
evalRig :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestRig Integer -> Integer
evalRig f (TestRig d e) = eval (unsafeSubst d (f e))
mkPropEval :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestRig Integer -> Bool
mkPropEval f = (==) <$> evalRig id <*> evalRig f
isDistributed :: E a -> Bool
isDistributed = para $ \case
Add' (_, x) (_, y) -> x && y
Mul' (Add _ _, _) _ -> False
Mul' _ (Add _ _, _) -> False
Mul' (_, x) (_, y) -> x && y
_ -> True
mkPropDist :: (E Char -> E Char) -> TestE -> Bool
mkPropDist f = isDistributed . f . getTestE
main = mapM_ test
[ ("expandTooClever" , expandTooClever)
, ("expandBrute" , expandBrute)
, ("expandNotSoBrute", expandNotSoBrute)
, ("expandEvert" , expandEvert)
, ("expandSOP" , expandSOP)
test (header, func) = do
putStrLn $ "Testing: " ++ header
putStr "Evaluation test: "
quickCheck $ mkPropEval func
putStr "Distribution test: "
quickCheck $ mkPropDist func
我所说的产品总和是指产品的“咖喱” n 元总和。乘积之和的一个简明定义是我想要一个没有任何括号的表达式,所有括号都由关联性和优先级表示。
. 鉴于存在乘法,就像您建议的那样liftA2 (<>)
expandFlat :: E a -> E a
expandFlat = cata algS . fmap (cata algP) . cata algSOP
algSOP :: EF a (NonEmpty (BT a)) -> NonEmpty (BT a)
algSOP = \case
Var' s -> pure (Leaf s)
Add' x y -> x <> y
Mul' x y -> (<>) <$> x <*> y
algP :: BTF a (E a) -> E a
algP = \case
Leaf' s -> Var s
Branch' x y -> Mul x y
algS :: NonEmptyF (E a) (E a) -> E a
algS = \case
NonEmptyF x Nothing -> x
NonEmptyF x (Just y) -> Add x y
flattenSum :: E a -> E a
flattenSum = cata alg
alg = \case
Add' x y -> apo coalg (x, y)
x -> embed x
coalg = \case
(Add x x', y) -> Add' (Left x) (Right (x', y))
(x, y) -> Add' (Left x) (Left y)
-- This is written in a slightly different style than the previous functions.
expandDirect :: E a -> E a
expandDirect = cata alg
alg = \case
Var' s -> Var s
Add' x y -> apo coalgAdd (Add x y)
Mul' x y -> (apo coalgAdd' . apo coalgMul) (Mul x y)
coalgAdd = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgAdd' = \case
Add (Add x x') y -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add x' y))
Add x (Add y y') -> Add' (Left x) (Right (Add y y'))
x -> Left <$> project x
coalgMul = \case
Mul (Add x x') y -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x' y))
Mul x (Add y y') -> Add' (Right (Mul x y)) (Right (Mul x y'))
x -> Left <$> project x