我正在尝试安装 rust.vim 并且我已按照说明安装 Vundle 并且Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim'之前在我的 vim.rc 文件中添加了call vundle#end()但是当我尝试加载 Vim 时我得到以下信息

Error detected while processing /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/newL9/plugin/l9.vim:
line   40:
E174: Command already exists: add ! to replace it
line   89:
E174: Command already exists: add ! to replace it
line  100:
E174: Command already exists: add ! to replace it
line  104:
E174: Command already exists: add ! to replace it

我按回车,当我使用 `:PluginInstall' 时,它说完成但出现错误,日志如下:

[2017-03-14 17:16:10]                                                          |
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] Plugin file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin                |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] $ git clone --recursive 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plug|~                                                                             
in' '/Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/plugin'                                    |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] > Cloning into '/Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/plugin'...|~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] > fatal: '/home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' does not appear to|~                                                                             
 be a git repository                                                           |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] > fatal: Could not read from remote repository.          |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] >                                                        |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] > Please make sure you have the correct access rights    |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] > and the repository exists.                             |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:10] >                                                        |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11]                                                          |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] Helptags:                                                |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/doc  |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/vim-fugitive/doc|~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/L9/doc          |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/command-t/doc   |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/newL9/doc       |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] :helptags /Users/jordanbaron/.vim/bundle/rust.vim/doc    |~                                                                             
[2017-03-14 17:16:11] Helptags: 6 plugins processed

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