从这个很棒的教程中,我已经能够在服务器上生成一个令牌并将其保存在本地存储中。 https://stormpath.com/blog/token-authentication-asp-net-core
但是当将令牌发送到具有 [Authorize] 属性的控制器方法时,我得到 401
我的 startup.cs 看起来像这样
//ConfigureTokenSecurity(app, env);
var signingKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(secretKey));
var options = new TokenProviderOptions
//Audience = "ExampleAudience",
//Issuer = "ExampleIssuer",
SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(signingKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256),
var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
// The signing key must match!
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
IssuerSigningKey = signingKey,
// Validate the JWT Issuer (iss) claim
ValidateIssuer = false,
//ValidIssuer = "ExampleIssuer",
// Validate the JWT Audience (aud) claim
ValidateAudience = false,
//ValidAudience = "ExampleAudience",
// Validate the token expiry
ValidateLifetime = false,
// If you want to allow a certain amount of clock drift, set that here:
ClockSkew = TimeSpan.Zero
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerOptions
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
TokenValidationParameters = tokenValidationParameters
public getValuesHandler(
onSuccess: (values: string[]) => void,
onError: (error: any) => void = undefined
): void {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this.authorisationService.token, 'Expires': this.authorisationService.tokenExpires, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
const url = "/api/sandbox/get";
this.http.get(url, options)
.map(response => <string[]>response.json())
.subscribe(onSuccess, error => {
this.recordError(url, error);
if (onError) onError(error);
TokenHandler.ValidateToken(t, tokenValidationParameters, out validatedToken);
没有承载它返回一个有效的令牌,但是如果令牌在开始时有一个“承载”,我会得到一个“JWT 格式不正确的异常”