我正在创建一个用于项目长度的输入掩码。此输入将在模糊时转换为“正确”格式,但它应该接受数字、小数、空格、单引号、双引号和 / 表示分数(无字母)。


5 6(英尺和英寸用空格隔开)


5.2 6(以空格分隔的小数英尺)


5 6.1(以空格分隔的十进制英寸)


5.2 6.1(以空格分隔的十进制英尺和英寸)


5 6 1/2(以上任意组合后跟空格和分数)

5.2'6.1 1/2"(同样带小数)

78 英寸(仅英寸)



// allow numbers
var p_num = "[0-9]";

// numbers are up to 9 characters (it needs a range, for some reason)
var p_range = "{0,9}";

// allow a single decimal
var p_dec = "([.]{0,1})";

// allow a single space (needs to happen only if not directly followed by a decimal)
var p_space = "([ ]{0,1})";

// numbers, possible single decimal and/or space
var p_base = p_num + p_range + p_dec + p_space;

// only allow a single/double quote after a number
var p_afternum = "?(?=" + p_num + ")";

// allow a single or double quote
var p_quote = "(\'(0?" + p_base + ")?\|\"$)";

// issues: 
// i do not need a range/cap on numbers
// after using decimal or space - only one number is allowed to follow (do not cap the range on numbers, only decimal/space)
// do not allow a space directly following a decimal
// do not allow a decimal directly following a single or double quote

var ex = "(" + p_base + ")" + p_afternum + p_quote + "(0?" + p_base + ")?\""

1 回答 1



此扫描使用 REGEX 掩码与输入掩码相结合来创建功能强大的仅英尺和英寸文本框。

ex = "[\\d]+(?:\\.[\\d]+|)(?:\\s\\d+\\/\\d+|)(?:\\s|\\'|\\\"|)[\\d]+(?:\\.[\\d]+|)(?:\\s\\d+\\/\d+|)(?:\\'|\\\"|)";
$('#feet').inputmask('Regex', { regex: ex });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask/3.x/dist/jquery.inputmask.bundle.js"></script>
So the following values are allowed:<br /><br />

5 6 (feet and inches separated by spaces)<br />
5'6" (feet and inches in the correct format)<br />
5.2 6 (decimal feet separated by spaces)<br />
5.2'6" (decimal feet in the correct format)<br />
5 6.1 (decimal inches separated by spaces)<br />
5'6.1" (decimal inches in the correct format)<br />
5.2 6.1 (decimal feet and inches separated by spaces)<br />
5.2'6.1" (decimal feet and inches in the correct format)<br />
5 6 1/2 (any combination above followed by a space and fraction)<br />
5.2'6.1 1/2" (again with decimals)<br />
78" (only inches)<br />
78.4" (only inches with a decimal)<br />
<input id="feet" />

<br />

于 2017-03-13T19:44:36.770 回答