Is it possible to keep a MapIcon flat on a pitched MapControl in UWP? When viewing the map in that default 2D-view everything is fine, but when I'm tilting the MapControl all MapIcon-elements stay in that 2D-view rather then tilting along with the map.

There are other elements (e.g. MapPolygon or MapPolyline) that behave exactly that way and are tilting along with the MapControl.

Is it possible to do that with a MapIcon?


1 回答 1


MapIcon 的行为始终保持面向屏幕,即使在查看倾斜的地图时也是如此。它们仅在一个点固定在地图上。

如您所述,MapPolygons 将平放在地形上并随地图倾斜。您可以使用 MapPolygon 来绘制图标形状。如果您有要绘制的光栅位图,则可以使用平铺层来绘制它。

即将发布的 Windows 版本还有一个新对象 - MapBillboard,它可能很有用。

于 2017-03-13T17:26:55.980 回答