遵循使用 'tm' 和 'RWeka' 包创建biGrams的许多指南后,我对tdm中只返回1-Grams感到沮丧。经过多次反复试验,我发现使用“ VCorpus ”实现了正确的功能,但没有使用“ Corpus ”。顺便说一句,我很确定这在大约 1 个月前与“语料库”合作,但现在不是。
R (3.3.3)、RTools (3.4)、RStudio (1.0.136) 和所有软件包(tm 0.7-1、RWeka 0.4-31)已更新到最新版本。
#A Reproducible example
#Weka bi-gram test
someCleanText <- c("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of",
"religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or",
"abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the",
"right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition",
"the Government for a redress of grievances")
aCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(someCleanText)) #With this, only 1-Grams are created
#aCorpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(someCleanText)) #With this, biGrams are created as desired
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min=2, max=2))
aTDM <- TermDocumentMatrix(aCorpus, control=list(tokenize=BigramTokenizer))
[1] "congress" "establishment" "law" "make"
[5] "respecting" "shall" "exercise" "free"
[9] "prohibiting" "religion" "the" "thereof"
[13] "abridging" "freedom" "press" "speech"
[17] "and" "assemble" "peaceably" "people"
[21] "petition" "right" "for" "government"
[25] "grievances" "redress"
'VCorpus' 的结果
[1] "a redress" "abridging the" "an establishment" "and to"
[5] "assemble and" "congress shall" "establishment of" "exercise thereof"
[9] "for a" "free exercise" "freedom of" "government for"
[13] "law respecting" "make no" "no law" "of grievances"
[17] "of speech" "of the" "or of" "or prohibiting"
[21] "or the" "peaceably to" "people peaceably" "press or"
[25] "prohibiting the" "redress of" "religion or" "respecting an"
[29] "right of" "shall make" "speech or" "the free"
[33] "the freedom" "the government" "the people" "the press"
[37] "thereof or" "to assemble" "to petition"