我尝试使用 PHP + SSH2 扩展来重新启动我的 Ubuntu 16.04 机器。我成功安装了 SSH2 扩展:
if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) die("function ssh2_connect doesn't exist");
if(!($con = ssh2_connect("localhost", 22))){
echo "fail: unable to establish connection\n";
} else {
if(!ssh2_auth_password($con, "lam", "root")) {
echo "fail: unable to authenticate\n";
} else {
// allright, we're in!
echo "okay: logged in...\n";
// execute a command
if (!($stream = ssh2_exec($con, "reboot" ))) {
echo "fail: unable to execute command\n";
} else {
// collect returning data from command
stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
$data = "";
while ($buf = fread($stream,4096)) {
$data .= $buf;
我不知道什么问题,因为我在 Centos 7.0 中做了类似的工作。