我编写了一个非常简单的 pentaho 水壶脚本,当我从勺子 ide 启动它时它运行良好。它接收一个 csv 文件并将其写入一个文本文件和一个 xml 文件。但是,如果我使用 pan.bat 作为批处理作业运行它,它不会创建或更新它应该创建的任何文件。我将它作为 xml 运行(不是通过存储库)


C:\test\data-integration>pan.bat /file ./demo/hello.ktr /level:Basic


INFO  24-11 13:18:43,765 - Using "C:\DOCUME~1\mcd\LOCALS~1\Temp\vfs_cache" as te
mporary files store.
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,156 - Pan - Pan
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,156 - Pan - Pan
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,312 - hello - Dispatching started for transformation [hello
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,343 - hello - This transformation can be replayed with repl
ay date: 2010/11/24 13:18:44
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,343 - File with Greetings - Opening output stream in encodi
ng: UTF-8
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,375 - CSV file input - Header row skipped in file 'file:///
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,375 - CSV file input - Finished processing (I=7, O=0, R=0,
W=6, U=0, E=0)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - Greetings - Finished processing (I=0, O=0, R=6, W=12,
 U=0, E=0)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - File with Greetings - Finished processing (I=0, O=6,
R=6, W=6, U=0, E=0)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - Text file output - Finished processing (I=0, O=7, R=6
, W=6, U=0, E=0)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - Pan - Pan
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - Pan - Pan
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,593 - Pan - Pan
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,609 - hello -
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,609 - hello - Step CSV file input.0 ended successfully, processed 6 lines. ( - lines/s)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,609 - hello - Step Greetings.0 ended successfully, processe
d 12 lines. ( - lines/s)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,609 - hello - Step File with Greetings.0 ended successfully
, processed 6 lines. ( - lines/s)
INFO  24-11 13:18:44,609 - hello - Step Text file output.0 ended successfully, p
rocessed 6 lines. ( - lines/s)



1 回答 1


问题已解决 - 输出指向的目录与我想象的不同。我确实已经纠正了这一点,但我必须将更改输入到原始文件,而不是我正在使用的文件。除非需要,否则切勿复印。

于 2010-11-24T19:36:42.437 回答