假设我想用一个记录异常并继续的 try-catch 块来包装可以抛出异常的代码。就像是:

loggingExceptions {
  // something dangerous

理想情况下,我想用于记录调用对象上定义的 Logger(如果有的话)(如果没有,则会出现编译时错误)。我很想定义这样的东西:

def loggingExceptions[L <: { def logger: Logger }](work: => Unit)(implicit objectWithLogger: L): Unit = {
  try {
  } catch {
    case t: Exception => objectWithLogger.logger.error(t.getMessage)

objectWithLogger 会以某种方式“神奇地”扩展为客户端代码中的“this”。这(或类似的事情)可能吗?


3 回答 3



package object foo {
  type HasLogger = { def logger: Logger }
  implicit def mkLog(x: HasLogger) = new {
    def loggingExceptions(body: => Unit): Unit =
      try body
      catch { case ex: Exception => println(ex) }

package foo {
  case class Logger(name: String) { }

  // Doesn't compile:
  // class A {
  //   def f = this.loggingExceptions(println("hi"))
  // }
  // 1124.scala:14: error: value loggingExceptions is not a member of foo.A
  //         def f = this.loggingExceptions(println("hi"))
  //                      ^
  // one error found  

  // Does compile
  class B {
    def logger = Logger("B")
    def f = this.loggingExceptions(println("hi"))
    def g = this.loggingExceptions(throw new Exception)

object Test {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val b = new foo.B

// output
// % scala Test
// hi
// java.lang.Exception
于 2010-11-24T20:35:33.520 回答

Debilski 的回答会起作用,但我不确定我是否有充分的理由在{ def logger: Logger }这里使用结构类型(即 )。这样做会在调用时产生额外的运行时开销logger,因为结构类型的实现依赖于反射。该loggingExceptions方法与日志记录密切相关,因此我只想将其作为 Logging 特征的一部分:

trait Logging {
   def logger: Logger

   final def loggingExceptions(body: => Unit) =
      try body catch { case e: Exception => logger.error(e.getMessage) }

trait ConcreteLogging extends Logging { 
   val logger = // ...

object MyObject extends SomeClass with ConcreteLogging {
   def main {
      // ...
      loggingExceptions { 
         // ...
于 2010-11-24T19:35:24.963 回答

您可以向所有想要使用的类添加一个特征,并在这个特征中添加一个期望可用def loggingExceptions的自我类型。def logger: Logger

trait LoggingExceptions {
    this: { def logger: Logger } =>
  def loggingExceptions(work: => Unit) {
    try { work }
    catch { case t: Exception => logger.error(t.getMessage) }

object MyObjectWithLogging extends OtherClass with LoggingExceptions {
  def logger: Logger = // ...

  def main {
    // ...
    loggingExceptions { // ...
于 2010-11-24T17:24:27.800 回答