I am sending a document to DocuSign (via byte array) in a Composite Template with multiple signers. DocuSign is recognizing the fields and everything is working perfectly.

However, I need to be able make some of these PDF form fields required. Is there a way to accomplish this? Is there something I can add to the form field itself that DocuSign will recognize and make it required?

All of the fields that show up are optional...

Also, lets say there are 4 checkboxes, and I need one of them to be checked. Is there a way to edit the PDF form fields so that will DocuSign will enforce this?

I would need to be able to make fields required for some signers and not required for others.

I know there are ways to do this within the DocuSign Template Panel, (depicted here) but I need my app to write various fields on the PDF before I send it to DocuSign. So going this "Template" route isn't an option.

Thanks for the help.


1 回答 1

  • 我需要能够使其中一些 PDF 表单字段成为必需的。

您可以根据需要在 Pdf 文档中设置表单域。当 Docusign 转换这些表单字段时(transformPdfFields=true),' required ' 属性被继承

  • 另外,假设有 4 个复选框,我需要检查其中一个。有没有办法编辑 PDF 表单字段,以便 DocuSign 强制执行此操作?

在您的 Pdf 表单中,您可以使用单选按钮组来完成此操作。文档上传后,Docusign 将使用单选按钮组。

  • 我需要能够为某些签名者提供所需的字段,而其他人则不需要。

在 Docusign 中,您可以为单个签名者或所有签名者设置必填字段。

创建信封后,您可以使用updateTabs api 设置其他选项卡行为。

于 2017-03-09T05:55:09.793 回答