我正在测试如何使用 jni4net 库从 Java 代码订阅 C# 事件,但到目前为止,我所做的示例都没有工作。我试图在引发事件时发送一组 Body() 对象。


public class LibEventHandler

    // Event for updating the body frame
    public delegate void UpdateBodyFrameEventHandler(object source, BodyDataEventArgs e);
    public event UpdateBodyFrameEventHandler UpdateBody;
    protected virtual void OnUpdateBody(BodyDataEventArgs bodies)
        UpdateBodyFrameEventHandler handler = UpdateBody;
        if (handler != null)
           handler(this, bodies);
    public void raiseUpdateBodyEvent(Body[] bodies)
        OnUpdateBody(new BodyDataEventArgs() { Bodies = bodies });



/// <summary>
/// A class extending EventArgs. Specifies the type Body[] as the event argument for the UpdateBody event
/// </summary>
public class BodyDataEventArgs : EventArgs
    public Body[] Bodies { get; set; }


public Start(){
    //initialise jni4net
    try {


        Bridge.LoadAndRegisterAssemblyFrom(new File("testlib.j4n.dll"));

    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    //create a instance of the library's main class and get the object that has all the events
    LibMain lib = new LibMain();
    LibEventHandler evHandler = lib.getEventHandler();

    //subscribe to the event UpdateBody
    evHandler.addUpdateBody(new EventHandler(){
        public void Invoke(system.Object sender, EventArgs e){

private void Hello(){
    System.out.println("Hello World! triggered by c# event");

java 端还没有使用 C# 事件给出的参数,但我只是想看看它是否被触发。但是,这会引发以下异常:

    Exception in thread "main" System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: method
   at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type type, Object firstArgument, MethodInfo method, Boolean throwOnBindFailure)
   at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type type, Object firstArgument, MethodInfo method)
   at net.sf.jni4net.utils.Convertor.StrongJ2CpDelegate[TRes](JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj)
   at testlib.__LibEventHandler.UpdateBody0(IntPtr __envp, JniLocalHandle __obj, JniLocalHandle value)
    at testlib.LibEventHandler.addUpdateBody(Native Method)
    at testing.Start.<init>(Start.java:35)
    at testing.Testing.main(Testing.java:24)


MulticastDelegate 用于从 Java 到 DotNet 的异步回调


1 回答 1


事实证明,JNI4NET 不支持委托事件。所以解决方案是使用带有侦听器的接口事件系统用于 java 端。

于 2017-06-20T22:31:29.617 回答