我的 Elastic Beanstalk 环境正在停止将 node.js 事件流式传输到 CloudWatch Logs。流式处理在新实例上的视图分钟内工作正常。查看几分钟后,CloudWatch 中不再显示日志。
我设置 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 以在配置 > 软件配置 > CloudWatch 日志 > 日志流式处理 (true) 下将日志流式传输到 CloudWatch。我停用了日志流并将其重新激活为测试。看看云表
- 上次 eb 活动日志大约 10 分钟前
- 错误日志不可用(在两个实例上都没有)
- nginx/access.log 是一个视图秒旧
- nodejs.log 大约一个小时前(重新启动实例后不久)
不过,每次运行状况检查都会每隔查看秒数将一个日志条目写入 nodejs.log。
我没有在 ec2 实例上找到任何关于日志流的日志。
- 有没有人有类似的问题?
- 如何使 Elastic Beanstalk 将 nodejs 日志流式传输到 CloudWatch 日志。
- - 编辑
[ec2-user@ip-###-##-##-## log]$ cat /var/log/awslogs.log
2017-03-07 11:01:05,928 - cwlogs.push.stream - INFO - 31861 - Thread-1 - Detected file rotation, notifying reader
2017-03-07 11:01:05,928 - cwlogs.push.stream - INFO - 31861 - Thread-1 - Reader is still alive.
2017-03-07 11:01:05,928 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/error.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:05,928 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/access.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:06,052 - cwlogs.push.reader - INFO - 31861 - Thread-8 - No data is left. Reader is leaving.
2017-03-07 11:01:10,929 - cwlogs.push.stream - INFO - 31861 - Thread-1 - Removing dead reader [2177a5cce5ed29525de329bfdc292ff1, /var/log/nginx/access.log]
2017-03-07 11:01:10,929 - cwlogs.push.stream - INFO - 31861 - Thread-1 - Starting reader for [92257964a10edeb586f084f4f2ba35de, /var/log/nginx/access.log]
2017-03-07 11:01:10,930 - cwlogs.push.reader - INFO - 31861 - Thread-11 - Start reading file from 0.
2017-03-07 11:01:10,930 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/error.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:10,930 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/access.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:15,931 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/error.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:15,931 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/access.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:16,788 - cwlogs.push.publisher - INFO - 31861 - Thread-7 - Log group: /aws/elasticbeanstalk/production/var/log/nginx/access.log, log stream: i-0bd24767864801e2c, queue size: 0, Publish batch: {'skipped_events_count': 0, 'first_event': {'timestamp': 1488884470930, 'start_position': 0L, 'end_position': 114L}, 'fallback_events_count': 0, 'last_event': {'timestamp': 1488884472931, 'start_position': 341L, 'end_position': 454L}, 'source_id': '92257964a10edeb586f084f4f2ba35de', 'num_of_events': 4, 'batch_size_in_bytes': 554}
2017-03-07 11:01:20,932 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/error.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:20,932 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/access.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:25,933 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/error.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:25,933 - cwlogs.push.stream - WARNING - 31861 - Thread-1 - No file is found with given path '/var/log/httpd/access.log*'.
2017-03-07 11:01:27,881 - cwlogs.push.publisher - INFO - 31861 - Thread-7 - Log group: /aws/elasticbeanstalk/production/var/log/nginx/access.log, log stream: i-0bd24767864801e2c, queue size: 0, Publish batch: {'skipped_events_count': 0, 'first_event': {'timestamp': 1488884481933, 'start_position': 454L, 'end_position': 568L}, 'fallback_events_count': 0, 'last_event': {'timestamp': 1488884482934, 'start_position': 568L, 'end_position': 681L}, 'source_id': '92257964a10edeb586f084f4f2ba35de', 'num_of_events': 2, 'batch_size_in_bytes': 277}