I'm trying to subscribe to the promotable_posts endpoint of the Facebook page to get updates for unpublished and hidden posts ("dark posts"). According to Facebook it should be possible to subscribe to that endpoint: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/realtime#data

But that endpoint is not listed on https://developers.facebook.com/apps/[APP_ID]/webhooks/ and I can't add the subscription of the endpoint via the API either. It's working for endpoints like feed.

How can I subscribe to that endpoint? And how can I get hidden posts? Normally I would use https://graph.facebook.com/[PAGE_ID]/promotable_posts?include_hidden=true&access_token=... to get those posts when I'm polling, but I can't tell Facebook to include hidden posts when I subscribe to an endpoint.


2 回答 2


Facebook 文档是错误的:您不必订阅“可推广”帖子即可获得未发布的帖子,也无需执行任何其他操作即可获得“隐藏”帖子。

于 2017-03-24T10:16:48.160 回答

is_hidden 如果此帖子被标记为隐藏(仅适用于页面)

从这里的Facebook 文档。

此标志告诉您帖子是否被隐藏,也称为未发布或“暗帖”。基本上它是在公共提要中显示但不在页面提要中显示的帖子。但是,当您调用 FB Graph API 时,您仍然会收到所有帖子,只需在您的请求中添加此标志以便稍后过滤它们。

最好的方法是从 api 中提取数据,并在你身边管理它,因为没有办法在你的调用中过滤它们。

于 2017-03-30T10:46:58.400 回答