
<!-- : first Line of "JustPopdBack.cmd"-Script (a CMD+Script for Windows)
@echo off %debug%
setLocal enableExtensions

::    Copyleft 2017 Markus Merkle (aka Mäx) - Licence: GNU-GPLv3
::  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::  Cause it seems stupid to make a short Script long just for Right
::  of the Author, so the Licence-Text is not embeded in this Script.
::  !!! Please have a look on <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
::      if you still don't know the GNU-GPLv3.
::  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::   This is just a free and open TestScript
::   Feel free to used or modify but please mark this work (how as done).
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 title JustPopdBack-Test
 color 0a                                 %= cause I like LightGreen on Black =%
 echo. Just a Test-Script for PushD and PopD Command
 echo. To use it please Enter some Directorys first
 echo. Don't shy to use diffrent Drives (C:\ or D:\ etc. )
 echo. ...and feel free to use the TAB-Key then...
 echo. Lets PushD in this Dir and after just Enter Nothing Popd out.
 :dLoop for UserQuest and Pushd in
 set "NxtDir="
 set /P "NxtDir=NextDir? :\> "
 if defined NxtDir (PushD %NxtDir% & goTo dLoop)
 echo. Lets see the PushD History
 echo. now try again with "For /F"-Loop a PopD Back.
 for /f %%a in ('pushD') do (echo %%a && PopD)
 echo This don't work - did you know why?
 timeOut -1
 :PopDback that will work
 PopD && Echo. Uh I PopD'd - let's'ee PushD now: && PushD && goTo PopDback
 :: but I don't like that - can you help to make me happy ?
 timeout -1
 exit /b                                        %= That the End of this Script =%
 ::       Thnx to all my Teachers 
 ::    ...but the realy ones not the called & most have just 60 Minutes for me...

我希望你明白我为什么写这个脚本,也希望你喜欢给我很多评论,这样我们就可以找出这里和那里出了什么问题......(嘿,不在我的脑海里 - 我希望 :-)


for /f %a in ('PushD') do PopD

2 回答 2


Afor /F在新的 cmd.exe 上下文中启动命令。
因此 pushd 在那里执行,然后上下文将被关闭。
新 cmd.exe 中的 pushd 根本不会影响父上下文。
因此,popd 不会恢复 pushd。

如果您只想弹出所有 pushd,则可以使用循环

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd C:\windows\
pushd c:\windows\system32

echo #: !cd!
popd && goto popd_all
于 2017-03-04T08:33:53.067 回答

此方法以在您的代码中使用的方式工作,带有一个for /f循环:

@echo off

pushd C:\windows\
pushd c:\windows\system32

pushd > "%tmp%\pushd.txt"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%tmp%\pushd.txt") do (echo %%a & PopD)
于 2017-03-04T12:17:30.083 回答