


2 回答 2




  • 为每个响应显示一张英雄卡
  • 如果用户说“嗨”或“你好”,卡片上会显示两个按钮
  • 如果用户不问候机器人,则只会显示一个按钮。
  • 告诉用户他们是否与机器人打招呼(SendGreeting,真或假)

我在 UserData 中保存了一个布尔值 SendGreeting,以通知机器人是否显示第二个按钮。在控制器中,我有以下代码:

  • 实例化 UserData,
  • 确定 SentGreeting 是真还是假
  • 然后将该布尔值保存到 UserData.SentGreeting。

             // create connector service
            ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
            // get state client object
            StateClient stateClient = activity.GetStateClient();
            // retrieve user data
            BotData userData = await stateClient.BotState.GetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id);
            bool SentGreeting;
            if (activity.Text == "hello" || activity.Text == "hi")
                SentGreeting = true;
            } else
                SentGreeting = false;
            userData.SetProperty<bool>("SentGreeting", SentGreeting);
            // save state
            await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData);
            // initiate CardDialog
            await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, () => new CardDialog());


  • 从 UserData 中检索 SentGreeting
  • 创建英雄卡
  • 仅当 SentGreeting 为 true 时才创建秘密按钮并将其添加到按钮列表中

            // create sentGreeting
        bool sentGreeting;
        // assign value from UserData.SentGreeting
        context.UserData.TryGetValue<bool>("SentGreeting", out sentGreeting);
        // create standard button list (for those who do not greet the bot)
        var GenericButtonList = new List<CardAction>
            new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "Bot Framework", value: "https://docs.botframework.com/en-us/"),
        // create the hero card
        var Card = new HeroCard()
            Title = "Select an Action",
            Subtitle = "Choose from available actions",
            Text = "If you were polite and said \'hi\' or \'hello\' to this bot, you will see two buttons below.",
            Images = new List<CardImage> { new CardImage("https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/14900841/23733811/c618e402-042f-11e7-9b8e-6262d9f2d898.JPG") },
            Buttons = GenericButtonList
        // create secret button that only users who said hi can see
        CardAction secretButton = new CardAction();
        secretButton.Title = "Very Polite";
        secretButton.Type = "openUrl";
        secretButton.Value = "https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/CSharp/demo-ContosoFlowers/ContosoFlowers.Services";
        if (sentGreeting)

链接到此机器人的GitHub 存储库

于 2017-03-10T00:27:09.343 回答

您无法使用开箱即用的 WebChat 启用/禁用。不过,您也许可以构建您的自定义 WebChat 并添加该功能。

所有的魔法都发生在Attachment.tsx文件上。例如,在渲染HeroCard时会调用一个按钮函数。该函数创建一个按钮并应用一个 CSS 类。您可以根据按钮的某些值动态更改类。

顺便说一句,如果你能做到这一点,IMO,它可能会对 WebChat 组件做出很好的贡献。

于 2017-03-13T17:54:52.710 回答