有没有办法在 windows (cmd.exe) 下为 Ant 提供正确的选项卡完成?

我可以编写默认目标以列出所有其他目标,但这与您在 linux 上获得的正确选项卡完成不同。


3 回答 3


You can integrate tabcompletion for ant quite easily in powershell.exe, which by the way is much more powerful than the plain old cmd.exe.

Powershell.exe is part of Windows 7/8 but also can be installed as separate component in XP (can be downloaded from the Microsoft website).

I used the script provided under https://github.com/peet/posh-ant. The script is not yet perfect, but does 95% of the job quite well.

于 2012-12-07T11:40:01.267 回答

BASH 在内置complete命令中有一个可定制的完成机制。通过编写完整命令的脚本,您可以对几乎任何您能想到的东西进行命令行补全。ant 目标的完成是通过一个名为 Perl shell 脚本完成的,该脚本complete-ant-cmd.pl位于 Cygwin 的系统范围的 bashrc 文件中。

CMD.exe 没有这种机制,并且它不能扩展到已经内置的内容之外。

正如其他人所提到的,您可以尝试将列出所有目标及其描述的ant -por命令。ant --projecthelp试试这个build.xml文件:

<project name="test" default="target2" basedir=".">
         This is a test project. It is to demonstrate the use
         of the &quot;ant -p&quot; command and show all described
         targets. The "&quot;" probably won't work, but you can use
         regular quotes.

    <target name="target1"
        description="This is the prime target, but not the default"/>

    <target name="target2"
        description="This is the default target but not because I said it here"/>

    <!-- Target "target3" won't display in "ant -p" because -->
    <!-- it has no description parameters. Life is tough.   -->

    <target name="target3"/>

    <target name="target4"
        description="This is target #4, but there's no target3"/>


$ ant -p
Buildfile: /Users/david/build.xml

    This is a test project. It is to demonstrate the use
    of the "ant -p" command and show all described
    targets. The """ probably won't work, but you can use
    regular quotes.

Main targets:

    target1  This is the prime target, but not the default
    target2  This is the default target but not because I said it here
    target4  This is target #4, but there's no target3
Default target: target2
于 2011-06-21T14:10:55.793 回答

此功能适用于Windows 上的 Cygwin bash 环境。

我一直在使用 Cygwin。不知道也没有启用此功能。但是我在更新我的个人资料后刚刚尝试过,如该链接中所述:

$ ant t<TAB>est<TAB>
test    test_1  test_2  test_3
$ ant test

我不认为 cmd.exe 支持这种可自定义的命令完成

你是否可以用 PowerShell 做类似的事情是我无法回答的问题。

顺便说一句,“ant -p[rojecthelp]”是在构建文件中打印目标(具有描述属性集)的典型方式。而不是编写默认目标来执行此操作。

于 2011-06-21T12:25:26.270 回答