String labels[] = { "MH", null, "AP", "KL", "CH", "MP", "GJ", "OR" };
if(Arrays.toString(labels).indexOf("null") > -1) {
System.out.println("Array Element Must not be null");
throw new Exception("Array Element Must not be null");
For two Dimensional array
String labels2[][] = {{ "MH", null, "AP", "KL", "CH", "MP", "GJ", "OR" },{ "MH", "FG", "AP", "KL", "CH", "MP", "GJ", "OR" };
if(Arrays.deepToString(labels2).indexOf("null") > -1) {
System.out.println("Array Element Must not be null");
throw new Exception("Array Element Must not be null");
same for Object Array
String ObjectArray[][] = {{ "MH", null, "AP", "KL", "CH", "MP", "GJ", "OR" },{ "MH", "FG", "AP", "KL", "CH", "MP", "GJ", "OR" };
if(Arrays.deepToString(ObjectArray).indexOf("null") > -1) {
System.out.println("Array Element Must not be null");
throw new Exception("Array Element Must not be null");
如果你想找到一个特定的空元素,你应该使用上面所说的 for 循环。