您必须将以下函数从 VBA 转换为 C#,但您的用法将更改为:
int noofitemsselected = SomeFunction();
string message = Pluralize("You have selected # item[s]. Are you sure you want to delete [it/them]?", noofitemsselected);
我有一个 VBA 函数,我在 MS Access 中使用它来完成你所说的。我知道我会因为发布 VBA 而被砍成碎片,但无论如何都会这样。该算法应该从评论中显而易见:
' Procedure : Pluralize'
' Purpose : Formats an English phrase to make verbs agree in number.'
' Usage : Msg = "There [is/are] # record[s]. [It/They] consist[s/] of # part[y/ies] each."'
' Pluralize(Msg, 1) --> "There is 1 record. It consists of 1 party each."'
' Pluralize(Msg, 6) --> "There are 6 records. They consist of 6 parties each."'
Function Pluralize(Text As String, Num As Variant, Optional NumToken As String = "#")
Const OpeningBracket = "\["
Const ClosingBracket = "\]"
Const DividingSlash = "/"
Const CharGroup = "([^\]]*)" 'Group of 0 or more characters not equal to closing bracket'
Dim IsPlural As Boolean, Msg As String, Pattern As String
On Error GoTo Err_Pluralize
If IsNumeric(Num) Then
IsPlural = (Num <> 1)
End If
Msg = Text
'Replace the number token with the actual number'
Msg = Replace(Msg, NumToken, Num)
'Replace [y/ies] style references'
Pattern = OpeningBracket & CharGroup & DividingSlash & CharGroup & ClosingBracket
Msg = RegExReplace(Pattern, Msg, "$" & IIf(IsPlural, 2, 1))
'Replace [s] style references'
Pattern = OpeningBracket & CharGroup & ClosingBracket
Msg = RegExReplace(Pattern, Msg, IIf(IsPlural, "$1", ""))
'Return the modified message'
Pluralize = Msg
End Function
Function RegExReplace(SearchPattern As String, _
TextToSearch As String, _
ReplacePattern As String) As String
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.MultiLine = False
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = SearchPattern
End With
RegExReplace = RE.Replace(TextToSearch, ReplacePattern)
End Function
Msg = "There [is/are] # record[s]. [It/They] consist[s/] of # part[y/ies] each."
Pluralize(Msg, 1) --> "There is 1 record. It consists of 1 party each."
Pluralize(Msg, 6) --> "There are 6 records. They consist of 6 parties each."