我需要在对等点之间发送和接收可靠的数据报(通过使用 RPC)。每个对等点都是面向服务架构中的服务。但是任何对等点都可以用 Python 或 C++ 编写(带有 asyncio 和 C++ Unreal Engine 4 实例的 Python 服务 - 客户端和服务器)。

所以我搜索了 C++ 和 Python 的 RUDP 实现。

最适合用于此任务的 RUDP 实现是什么?


1 回答 1


I do not think so. UDP is not reliable. TCP is, but UDP is faster. Here is a comparison between UDP and TCP on this link, I recommend reading it.

That said, this repo claims to have TCP reliability in UDP (C++): https://github.com/dileepramesh/Reliable-UDP

Also, please take a look at this link: Simple Reliable UDP C++ Libraries

it recommends boost::asio and ACE.

于 2017-03-01T10:02:12.060 回答