I'm trying to setup a only_if recipe, I only want file1 to be used in our East region and File2 to be using in the West region. The results right now is, the client bypasses the cookbook (file) because of the only_if. I looked at the logs, but they are not very informative. So I'm at a lost as to why its not working.
I have also tried this way with the same negative results.
cookbook_file "/dir/dir/dir/file.json" do
only_if { node['ec2']['region'] == "us-east-1"}
source "dir/file1.json"
owner "user"
group "group"
action :create
notifies :restart, "service[app-client]", :delayed
cookbook_file "/etc/dir/dir/file.json" do
only_if { node['ec2']['region'] == "us-west-2"}
source "dir/file2.json"
owner "user"
group "group"
action :create
notifies :restart, "service[app-client]", :delayed
Here is the ohai results on the same server.
ohai | grep region
"dm_region_hash": {
"json?": "{\n \"devpayProductCodes\" : null,\n \"privateIp\" : \”\”,\n \"availabilityZone\" : \"us-west-2c\",\n \"version\" : \”date\”,\n \"region\" : \"us-west-2\",\n \"instanceId\" : \”ID\”,\n \"billingProducts\" : null,\n \"instanceType\" : \"t2.micro\",\n \"accountId\" : \"\",\n \"kernelId\" : null,\n \"ramdiskId\" : null,\n \"architecture\" : \"x86_64\",\n \"imageId\" : \”ami-111111\”,\n \"pendingTime\" : \”date\time\”\n}”,