我需要使用 elasticsearch-curator 在 3 个服务器内保持弹性搜索数据同步。我只想更新一台服务器上的数据,而其他人则使用快照和还原方法进行自我更新。我能够在第一台服务器上使用馆长创建快照,但无法在另一台服务器上恢复它。
快照 curator.yml 中的主机条目就像服务器 1 上的主机:[“localhost”]。我可以轻松地在服务器 1 本身上恢复它。
但是,当我尝试在 curator.yml 中的服务器 2 主机条目上恢复它时出现问题,就像 hosts: ["localhost","Server 1 IP"] 它会生成错误消息:
2017-02-27 10:39:58,927 INFO Preparing Action ID: 1, "restore"
2017-02-27 10:39:59,145 INFO Trying Action ID: 1, "restore": Restore all indices in the most recent curator-* snapshot with state SUCCESS. Wait for the restore to complete before continuing. Do not skip the repository filesystem access check. Use the other options to define the index/shard settings for the restore.
2017-02-27 10:39:59,399 INFO Restoring indices "['test_sec']" from snapshot: curator-20170226143036
2017-02-27 10:39:59,409 ERROR Failed to complete action: restore. <class 'curator.exceptions.FailedExecution'>: Exception encountered. Rerun with loglevel DEBUG and/or check Elasticsearch logs for more information. Exception: TransportError(500, u'snapshot_restore_exception', u'[all_index:curator-20170226143036]snapshot does not exist')