My docker version is
Docker version 1.12.2-cs2-ws-beta, build 050b611
I am trying to build the image using command
docker build -t iis-dockerfile .
The DockerFile content is
FROM microsoft/iss
RUN echo "Hello World - Dockerfile" > C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html
config.json is
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": <somekey>
On running docker build, it gives error
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 1/2 : FROM microsoft/iss
unauthorized: authentication required
I have already done docker login. That's how config.json is created. I am new to containers and following the get started tutorial Any idea how can I work around this.
Also I figured out that docker pull is working for me. While this also required authentication