我希望它将一个数字(例如 15)更改为 .15,这将是百分比的十进制表示。
#include <stdio.h>
float tipConvert(int tip);
int main()
char value;
int intValue tip;
float bill, result;
intValue = 1;
while(intValue == 1)
printf("Would you like to calculate a tip: y or n?\n");
scanf("%s", &value);
if(value == 'y')
printf("Enter the bill amount:\n");
scanf("%f", &bill);
printf("Enter the tip amount as an integer:\n");
scanf("%i", &tip);
result = tipConvert(tip)*bill;
printf("Tip for %.2f is %.2f\n", bill,result);
else if(value == 'n')
printf("Thank you for using Tip Calculator.");
printf("Please select y or n.\n");
return 0;
float tipConvert(int tip)
return tip / 100;