libsodium 提供了一个 API 来创建或打开此处记录的密封盒
我怎样才能在纯 Java 中实现相同的功能,以便我可以打开一个由 libsodium 创建的盒子或创建一个 libsodium 可以打开的盒子?
libsodium 提供了一个 API 来创建或打开此处记录的密封盒
我怎样才能在纯 Java 中实现相同的功能,以便我可以打开一个由 libsodium 创建的盒子或创建一个 libsodium 可以打开的盒子?
以下示例代码可以创建和打开一个 libsodium 密封盒。
它需要来自的 TweetNaclFast 和一个 Blake2b 哈希实现,例如来自的那个
import java.util.Arrays;
import ove.crypto.digest.Blake2b;
import com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast;
* Example how to open sealed boxes in pure java (libsodium sealed boxes according to
* Has a dependency on TweetNaclFast and Blake2B, for example
* and
public class SealedBoxUtility {
public static final int crypto_box_NONCEBYTES = 24;
public static final int crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES = 32;
public static final int crypto_box_MACBYTES = 16;
public static final int crypto_box_SEALBYTES = (crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES + crypto_box_MACBYTES);
// libsodium
// int crypto_box_seal(unsigned char *c, const unsigned char *m,
// unsigned long long mlen, const unsigned char *pk);
* Encrypt in a sealed box
* @param clearText clear text
* @param receiverPubKey receiver public key
* @return encrypted message
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
public static byte[] crypto_box_seal(byte[] clearText, byte[] receiverPubKey) throws GeneralSecurityException {
// create ephemeral keypair for sender
TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair ephkeypair = TweetNaclFast.Box.keyPair();
// create nonce
byte[] nonce = crypto_box_seal_nonce(ephkeypair.getPublicKey(), receiverPubKey);
TweetNaclFast.Box box = new TweetNaclFast.Box(receiverPubKey, ephkeypair.getSecretKey());
byte[] ciphertext =, nonce);
if (ciphertext == null) throw new GeneralSecurityException("could not create box");
byte[] sealedbox = new byte[ciphertext.length + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
byte[] ephpubkey = ephkeypair.getPublicKey();
for (int i = 0; i < crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES; i ++)
sealedbox[i] = ephpubkey[i];
for(int i = 0; i < ciphertext.length; i ++)
return sealedbox;
// libsodium:
// int
// crypto_box_seal_open(unsigned char *m, const unsigned char *c,
// unsigned long long clen,
// const unsigned char *pk, const unsigned char *sk)
* Decrypt a sealed box
* @param c ciphertext
* @param pk receiver public key
* @param sk receiver secret key
* @return decrypted message
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
public static byte[] crypto_box_seal_open( byte[]c, byte[] pk, byte[]sk ) throws GeneralSecurityException{
if ( c.length < crypto_box_SEALBYTES) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ciphertext too short");
byte[] pksender = Arrays.copyOfRange(c, 0, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
byte[] ciphertextwithmac = Arrays.copyOfRange(c, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES , c.length);
byte[] nonce = crypto_box_seal_nonce(pksender,pk);
TweetNaclFast.Box box = new TweetNaclFast.Box(pksender, sk);
byte[] cleartext =, nonce);
if (cleartext == null) throw new GeneralSecurityException("could not open box");
return cleartext;
* hash the combination of senderpk + mypk into nonce using blake2b hash
* @param senderpk the senders public key
* @param mypk my own public key
* @return the nonce computed using Blake2b generic hash
public static byte[] crypto_box_seal_nonce(byte[] senderpk, byte[] mypk){
// C source ported from libsodium
// crypto_generichash_state st;
// crypto_generichash_init(&st, NULL, 0U, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
// crypto_generichash_update(&st, pk1, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
// crypto_generichash_update(&st, pk2, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
// crypto_generichash_final(&st, nonce, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
// return 0;
final Blake2b blake2b = Blake2b.Digest.newInstance( crypto_box_NONCEBYTES );
byte[] nonce = blake2b.digest();
if (nonce == null || nonce.length!=crypto_box_NONCEBYTES) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Blake2b hashing failed");
return nonce;