When compiling with -Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion, we get a proper warning with the following code:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
^(NSString * _Nonnull bar) {  

Tests.m:32:7: error: implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'NSString * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'NSString * _Nonnull' [-Werror,-Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion]
1 error generated.

How do I safely cast foo from an NSString * _Nullable to an NSString * _Nonnull?

The best solution I have so far

The best I've come up with is this macro:

#define ForceUnwrap(type, nullableExpression) ^type _Nonnull () { \
  type _Nullable maybeValue___ = nullableExpression; \
  if (maybeValue___) { \
    return (type _Nonnull) maybeValue___; \
  } else { \
    NSLog(@"Attempted to force unwrap a null: " #nullableExpression); \
    abort(); \
  } \

Which is used like:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
    NSString * _Nonnull foo = ForceUnwrap(NSString *, maybeFoo);
    ^(NSString * _Nonnull bar) {

And which produces an error if assigned to a wrongly-typed variable:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
    NSNumber * _Nonnull foo = ForceUnwrap(NSString *, maybeFoo);
    ^(NSNumber * _Nonnull bar) {

Tests.m:40:29: error: incompatible pointer types initializing 'NSNumber * _Nonnull' with an expression of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' [-Werror,-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
        NSNumber * _Nonnull foo = ForceUnwrap(NSString *, maybeFoo);
                            ^     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 error generated.

And which produces an error if cast to the wrong type:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
    NSNumber * _Nonnull foo = ForceUnwrap(NSNumber *, maybeFoo);
    ^(NSNumber * _Nonnull bar) {

Tests.m:40:35: error: incompatible pointer types initializing 'NSNumber * _Nullable' with an expression of type 'NSString * _Nullable' [-Werror,-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
        NSNumber * _Nonnull foo = ForceUnwrap(NSNumber *, maybeFoo);
                                  ^                       ~~~~~~~~
Tests.m:27:16: note: expanded from macro 'ForceUnwrap'
type _Nullable maybeValue___ = nullableExpression; \
               ^               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 error generated.

Unfortunately, if you need to cast to a generic type with multiple arguments, you have to resort to preprocessor hacks:

NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nullable maybeFoo = 
[NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> new];
if (maybeFoo) {
  NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nonnull foo =
#define COMMA ,
  ForceUnwrap(NSDictionary<NSString * COMMMA NSString *>, maybeFoo);
#undef COMMA
  ^(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nonnull bar) {

Things I've tried that don't work

Assigning maybeFoo directly to an NSString * _Nonnull doesn't work. It produces the same error as before:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
  NSString * _Nonnull foo = maybeFoo;
  ^(NSString * _Nonnull bar) {  

Tests.m:30:35: error: implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'NSString * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'NSString * _Nonnull' [-Werror,-Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion]
        NSString * _Nonnull foo = maybeFoo;
1 error generated.

And casting to maybeFoo to NSString * _Nonnull isn't safe because if maybeFoo's type changes, the compiler won't break:

NSNumber * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
  NSString * _Nonnull foo = (NSString * _Nonnull) maybeFoo;
  ^(NSString * _Nonnull bar) {  
// no errors!

I also tried using __typeof__, when casting, but __typeof__ carries the nullability specifier, so when you try to cast to __typeof__(maybeFoo) _Nonnull you get a nullability conflict:

NSString * _Nullable maybeFoo = @"foo";
if (maybeFoo) {
    NSString * _Nonnull foo = (__typeof__(maybeFoo) _Nonnull) maybeFoo;
    ^(NSString * _Nonnull bar) {

Tests.m:30:57: error: nullability specifier '_Nonnull' conflicts with existing specifier '_Nullable'
        NSString * _Nonnull foo = (__typeof__(maybeFoo) _Nonnull) maybeFoo;
Tests.m:30:35: error: implicit conversion from nullable pointer 'NSString * _Nullable' to non-nullable pointer type 'NSString * _Nonnull' [-Werror,-Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion]
        NSString * _Nonnull foo = (__typeof__(maybeFoo) _Nonnull) maybeFoo;
2 errors generated.

Everything was run with the deep static analyzer and compiled with Xcode 8.2.1 with the following flags:


3 回答 3



本质上,您定义了一个使用泛型的接口,并具有一个将泛型类型返回为nonnull. 然后在您的宏中使用typeof但在泛型类型上,这为您提供了正确的类型。


@interface RBBBox<__covariant Type>

- (nonnull Type)asNonNull;


#define RBBNotNil(V) \
    ({ \
        NSCAssert(V, @"Expected '%@' not to be nil.", @#V); \
        RBBBox<__typeof(V)> *type; \
        (__typeof(type.asNonNull))V; \

不过,这不是我的主意。来源:https ://gist.github.com/robb/d55b72d62d32deaee5fa

于 2017-08-01T19:54:41.873 回答

Michael Ochs 的回答_Nonnull基本上是正确的,但由于缺乏硬性保证,我后来遇到了一些静态分析器警告。简而言之,abort如果我们收到一个nilor else 当我们做这样的任务时,我们必须:

@interface Foo : NSObject
+ (NSString * _Nullable)bar;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  NSString * _Nonnull bar = RBBNotNil([Foo bar]);


nil assigned to a pointer which is expected to have non-null value


// We purposefully don't have a matching @implementation.
// We don't want +asNonnull to ever actually be called
// because that will add a lot of overhead to every RBBNotNil
// and we want RBBNotNil to be very cheap.
// If there is no @implementation, then if the +asNonnull is
// actually called, we'll get a linker error complaining about
// the lack of @implementation.
@interface RBBBox <__covariant Type>

// This as a class method so you don't need to
// declare an unused lvalue just for a __typeof
+ (Type _Nonnull)asNonnull;


 * @define RBBNotNil(V)
 * Converts an Objective-C object expression from _Nullable to _Nonnull. 
 * Crashes if it receives a nil! We must crash or else we'll receive
 * static analyzer warnings when archiving. I think in Release mode,
 * the compiler ignores the _Nonnull cast.
 * @param V a _Nullable Objective-C object expression
#define RBBNotNil(V) \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wgnu-statement-expression\"") \
({ \
__typeof__(V) __nullableV = V; \
NSCAssert(__nullableV, @"Expected '%@' not to be nil.", @#V); \
if (!__nullableV) { \
    abort(); \
} \
(__typeof([RBBNotNil<__typeof(V)> asNonnull]))__nullableV; \
}) \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
于 2017-09-08T20:19:14.297 回答


#define assumeNotNull(_value) \
    ({ if (!_value) abort(); __auto_type const _temp = _value; _temp; })


if (parameters) {
    [obj processParameters:assumeNotNull(parameters)];



如果有疑问,请始终测试并记住,如果测试显然是不必要的(例如,之前测试过条件,如果值为 ,则永远不会达到代码NULL),编译器将在优化阶段检测到并删除为你测试。不必要的测试几乎从来都不是性能问题,尤其是在廉价的测试中。

于 2020-09-10T10:47:22.167 回答