需要帮助解决上述 http://localhost:8081/states 的“无法获取 /states”问题。我已经浏览了 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pact-support/zGj8o6snf5c,这很有帮助,但没有找到答案。

GitHub 存储库 URL:https ://github.com/pactfoundation/pactjs/tree/master/examples/e2e

我已经在我的机器 OS X EI Captain[10.11] 上设置了 Pact-js e2e 示例。

  1. 运行消费者测试./node_modules/.bin/mocha test/consumer.spec.js 得到成功的输出。

    when a call to list all animals from the Animal Service is made
      and there are animals in the database
        ✓ returns a list of animals
    when a call to the Animal Service is made to retreive a single animal by ID
      and there is an animal in the DB with ID 1
        ✓ returns the animal
      and there no animals in the database
        ✓ returns a 404
    when interacting with Animal Service
      ✓ should validate the interactions and create a contract

  1. 发布测试node test/publish.js。得到了成功的输出。

Pact contract publishing complete!

Head over to https://test.pact.dius.com.au/ and login with
=> Username: dXfltyFMgNOFZAxr8io9wJ37iUpY42M
=> Password: O5AIZWxelWbLvqMd8PkAVycBJh2Psyg1
to see your published contracts.

  1. 运行消费者和提供者 api npm run api。得到成功的输出

Animal Profile Service listening on http://localhost:8081
Animal Matching Service listening on http://localhots:8080

  1. 运行提供程序测试./node_modules/.bin/mocha test/provider.spec.js。在这里得到错误

1) Uncaught error outside test suite
  Pact Verification
Pact Verification Failed:  Error: /Users/sakshi.rawal/work/pact-js/node_modules/@pact-foundation/pact-provider-verifier-darwin/lib/vendor/ruby/2.1.0/gems/json-1.8.3/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `parse': 757: unexpected token at 'Cannot GET /states (Faraday::ParsingError)

你能帮我解决第 4 步的错误吗?第 3 步的另一个问题是,当我单击输出中的链接时,它不会要求输入用户名和密码。



2 回答 2


上面列出的第 3 步不是必需的,它只是测试和使用正在运行的 API。

我怀疑第 4 步无法使用额外的端点运行提供程序,因为它已经在第 3 步中的同一端口上运行,因此失败。这意味着它在验证过程中无法找到端点/状态。

关闭所有进程,然后运行第 4 步,应添加此端点,测试应通过。

于 2017-02-25T09:11:19.880 回答


于 2017-03-01T09:07:36.033 回答