我对仅将第一个界面投射到 Javascript 的限制有疑问。我想知道是否有任何解决方法/解决方法。

我有大约 20 个我想用 Javascript 访问的课程。这 20 个类继承自 BaseModel,其中包含所有 20 个类都使用的重要代码。下面是一个简单的例子:

public class Category : BaseModel
    public string Title {get;set;}
    public string Description {get;set;}

public class Item : BaseModel
    public string Title {get;set;}
    public string Price {get;set;}

public class BaseModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IParentableViewModel
    //Some Important Methods that are shared between around 20 Models

如果我想用 Javascript 访问它,我必须为所有 20 个类创建 BaseModel。这是因为 Javascript 只能看到第一个接口的属性/方法。那么我的代码就变成了这样:

public class CategoryBaseModel : ICategoryModel, INotifyPropertyChanged, IParentableViewModel
    //Important Methods gets duplicated between CategoryBaseModel and ItemBaseModel making it harder to maintain

public class ItemBaseModel : IItemModel, INotifyPropertyChanged, IParentableViewModel
    //Important Methods gets duplicated between CategoryBaseModel and ItemBaseModel making it harder to maintain

这变得难以维护,特别是因为我有大约 20 种方法。

我正在寻找是否可以覆盖 Javascript 的设置器,但不知道该怎么做。这个想法是这样的:

//I want to override something like this. 
//whenever I call category.someProperty = someValue; in Javascript, it goes through this.
//When it goes through this, I can then call the SetProperty method for unknown properties in the interface
public bool JavaScriptPropertySet(object, propertyName, Value)
        //Set PropertyName
        object.setProperty(propertyName, Value);


public interface IBaseViewModel
    string Title {get;set;}
    void SetProperty(propertyName, Value);

public class BaseModel : IBaseViewModel, INotifyPropertyChanged, IParentableViewModel
    //important methods

    public void SetProperty(propertyName, Value)
        SetPropertyInternal(propertyName, Value);

    public virtual void SetPropertyInternal(propertyName, Value)

public class Category : BaseModel
    public override void SetPropertyInternal(propertyName, Value)
        if(propertyName == 'description')
            this.description = Value;




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