I have drawn up a UML Use Case for a basic central heating control.

It should allow the user to turn the heating on, off and change the temperature as well as allow them to set a timer to make a change which the hub will then carry out.

The picture below is what I imagine this should look like but I have little experience with UML Case diagrams and I was wondering if this is correct or wrong?

Specifically I was unsure if passing the setTimer to the hub and my use of extends is correct.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

UML Use Case for Central Heating Control


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一个简单但有争议的解决方案是将 Time 定义为参与者,请参阅http://www.agilemodeling.com/style/useCaseDiagram.htm

一个更棘手的解决方案是在来自用户保持扩展的链接上的 UC“heaterOn”、“heaterOff”、“changeTemperature”附近设置基数 0..1。就像那样,对我来说,它模拟了用例可以在没有演员的情况下执行,这意味着他们可以被安排。

参见具有 0..1 基数的 Actor


于 2017-02-24T09:45:09.737 回答