We have been using MiniProfiler as a simple way to profile our ASP.NET MVC 5 application performance. It worked well in dev, but as soon as we put the application into staging on a web farm, we soon realised we needed to use a different/shared storage medium.

We migrated to SqlServerStorage by putting

MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage = new SqlServerStorage(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlDb"].ConnectionString)

into MvcApplication.Application_Start (Global.asax)

We created the MiniProfiler tables using the script in StackExchange.Profiling.Storage.SqlServerStorage.TableCreationScript.

Since using SqlServerStorage, we have found that the MiniProfiler UI no longer functions properly; we get the following: screenshot

As you can see, the name column is empty. Anyone any ideas whether I need to configure something else?


1 回答 1


这已在 MiniProfiler v4(当前处于 alpha 版本)中得到修复。不幸的是,v3 没有Name在 SQL Server 中存储该字段。它在升级说明中被列为重大更改,因为它需要添加架构。我无法在 v3 中进行此更改,因为这是一个重大更改。

期待 MiniProfiler v4 在接下来的几周内退出 alpha,因为我们在生产中大量使用它并推进到 beta 和发布。

于 2017-06-11T21:16:39.167 回答