我正在尝试在 Windows 机器上安装 kafkaCat 工具。通过运行 ./bootstrap.sh 进行快速构建时,我收到以下错误:
$ ./bootstrap.sh
Directory librdkafka already exists, not downloading https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/archive/master.tar.gz
Directory libyajl already exists, not downloading https://github.com/lloyd/yajl/archive/master.tar.gz
Building librdkafka
checking for OS or distribution... ok (MINGW64_NT-6.1)
checking for C compiler from CC env... failed
checking for gcc (by command)... failed
checking for clang (by command)... failed
checking for cc (by command)... failed (fail)
checking for C++ compiler from CXX env... failed
checking for C++ compiler (g++)... failed
checking for C++ compiler (clang++)... failed
checking for C++ compiler (c++)... failed (fail)
checking executable ld... failed (disable)
checking executable nm... failed (disable)
checking executable objdump... failed (disable)
checking executable strip... failed (disable)
checking for pkgconfig (by command)... failed
checking for install (by command)... ok
checking for PIC (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for GNU-compatible linker options... failed
checking for OSX linker options... failed
checking for GNU linker-script ld flag... failed
checking for Solaris linker-script ld flag... failed (ignore)
checking for __atomic_32 (by compile)... failed
checking for __atomic_32_lib (by compile)... failed
checking for __sync_32 (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for __atomic_64 (by compile)... failed
checking for __atomic_64_lib (by compile)... failed
checking for __sync_64 (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for socket (by compile)... failed
checking for socket_nsl (by compile)... failed (fail)
parsing version '0x00090401'... ok (0.9.4)
checking for libpthread (by compile)... failed (fail)
checking for zlib (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for libcrypto (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for liblz4 (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for libssl (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for libsasl2 (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for libsasl (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for regex (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for librt (by compile)... failed
checking for strndup (by compile)... failed (disable)
checking for nm (by env NM)... failed
### Configure failed ###
### Accumulated failures: ###
cc (WITH_CC)
module: cc
action: fail
command 'cc --version' failed:
mklove/modules/configure.base: line 1110: cc: command not found
cxx (WITH_CXX) C++ compiler (c++)
module: cc
action: fail
command 'c++ --version' failed:
mklove/modules/configure.base: line 1110: c++: command not found
socket_nsl ()
module: socket
action: fail
compile check failed:
-g -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wfloat-equal -Wpointer-arith -Wall -Werror _mkltmpc57mad.c -o _mkltmpc57mad.c.o -lsocket -lnsl :
mklove/modules/configure.base: line 917: -g: command not found
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void foo (void) {
int s = socket(0, 0, 0);
libpthread ()
module: librdkafka
action: fail
compile check failed:
flags: -lpthread
-g -O2 -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wfloat-equal -Wpointer-arith -Wall -Werror -lpthread _mkltmp0Vm7ew.c -o _mkltmp0Vm7ew.c.o :
mklove/modules/configure.base: line 917: -g: command not found
source: #include <pthread.h>
Build of librdkafka FAILED!
Failed to build librdkafka: bootstrap failed
有谁知道如何在 Windows 机器上配置 kafkaCat?