下面是我构建的 Tokenizer 的一部分。用户键入一个他们希望标记的字符串,该字符串存储到一个 char 数组中,一旦字符串结束,就会放置一个空字符 ('\0')。这部分代码在经过几次测试后似乎运行良好。
$testing pencil calculator //string entered
complete index: 0 //index of the entire array, not the tokenized array
token length: 7 //length of 1st token "testing"
pointer: 0xbf953860
tokenIndex: 0 //index of the token array (array of arrays)
while loop iterations: 4 //number of times the while loop where i print is iterated. should be 7
test //the results of printing the first token
complete index: 8
token length: 6 //next token is "pencil"
tokenIndex: 1
while loop iterations: 5 //should be 6
penci //stops printing at penci
complete index: 15
token length: 10 //final token is "calculator"
pointer: 0xbf953862
tokenIndex: 2
while loop iterations: 5 //should be 10
calcu //stops printing at calcu
对于我的一生,我根本无法弄清楚为什么 while 循环在它应该退出之前退出。我怀疑这是我的方法的唯一问题,但在我弄清楚这一点之前,我无法解决其他错误。
completeString[inputsize] = '\0';
char tokenArray[numTokens+1];
tokenArray[numTokens] = '\0';
putTokensInArray(tokenArray, completeString);
char ** putTokensInArray(char tokenArray[], char * completeString){
int completeIndex = 0;
int tokenIndex = 0;
while(tokenArray[tokenIndex] != '\0'){
int tokenLength = tokenSize(completeString, completeIndex);
char newToken [tokenLength+1];
newToken[tokenLength] = '\0';
tokenArray[tokenIndex] = *newToken;
printf("\ncomplete index: %d", completeIndex);
printf("\ntoken length: %d", tokenLength);
printf("\ntokenIndex: %d\n", tokenIndex);
int i = 0;
while(newToken[i] != '\0'){
newToken[i] = completeString[i + completeIndex];
completeIndex += (tokenLength+1);
printf("while loop iterations: %d\n", i);
for(int j = 0; newToken[j] != '\0'; j++){
printf("%c", newToken[j]);
tokenLength = 0;
}//big while loop
}//putTokensInArray Method
我已经尝试了几件事,但无法掌握它。我是 C 的新手,所以我完全有可能犯了指针错误或访问了我不应该的内存;在那张纸条上,我将如何实现 malloc() 和 free()?我一直在阅读它并且似乎可以工作,但我无法实现这些功能。