我需要列出 Azure 中每个 blob 的所有快照,如果可能,使用 Java SDK,否则使用 Azure REST API。对于这两个选项,我知道如何列出所有存储帐户,但我还没有找到一种方法来检索与单个存储帐户关联的快照列表。
800 次
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根据 Azure Storage SDK for Java的javadocslistBlobs(String prefix, boolean useFlatBlobListing, EnumSet<BlobListingDetails> listingDetails, BlobRequestOptions options, OperationContext opContext)
列出所有包含snapshot blob
按方法过滤的blob isSnapshot()
String accountName = "<your-storage-account-name>";
String accountKey = "<your-storage-account-key>";
String storageConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=%s;AccountKey=%s";
String connectionString = String.format(storageConnectionString, accountName, accountKey);
CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.parse(connectionString);
CloudBlobClient client = account.createCloudBlobClient();
// List all containers of a storage account
Iterable<CloudBlobContainer> containers = client.listContainers();
String prefix = null;
boolean useFlatBlobListing = true;
// Specify the blob list which include snapshot blob
EnumSet<BlobListingDetails> listingDetails = EnumSet.of(BlobListingDetails.SNAPSHOTS);
BlobRequestOptions options = null;
OperationContext opContext = null;
for (CloudBlobContainer container : containers) {
Iterable<ListBlobItem> blobItems = container.listBlobs(prefix, useFlatBlobListing, listingDetails, options,
for (ListBlobItem blobItem : blobItems) {
if (blobItem instanceof CloudBlob) {
CloudBlob blob = (CloudBlob) blobItem;
// Check a blob whether be a snapshot blob
if (blob.isSnapshot()) {
如果您想使用 REST API 来实现此需求,请执行以下步骤。
List Containers
用于存储帐户以列出所有容器。- 使用
List Blobs
url 参数作为引用include={snapshots}
的小节Blob and Snapshot List
,表示列出包含快照 blob 的容器的所有 blob,然后过滤所有快照 blob。
于 2017-02-23T03:39:21.523 回答