I am building a chatbot in Node.js and have been using aiml-high. I am trying to access the predicates of the AIML so that I can store them in variables which I will use later on. I know that in Python there is a way to get the predicates like so:

name = kernel.getPredicate("name", sessionId)

So, here is my question in more detail. Below is a category from my AIML file.

    <pattern>DO YOU SPEAK <set name="language">*</set></pattern>
    <condition name="language">
      <li value="english">Yes. I do speak <get name="language"/>.</li>
      <li value="English">Yes. I do speak <get name="language"/>.</li>
      <li>Sorry. I don't speak <get name="language"/>. Maybe one day I will learn though.</li>

If the user says "Do you speak French", the language, which in this case is "French", is stored here:

<set name="language:>*</set>

Now, the language is remembered and can respond accordingly.

<li>Sorry. I don't speak <get name="language"/>. Maybe one day I will learn though.</li>

...replacing the <get name="language"/> with the language that the user had input. I would like to access that language predicate in my JavaScript so I can use it later. So, I was wondering if anyone has built a chatbot in Node.js and would have insight as to how I would save these predicates.


1 回答 1


因此,自从发布这个问题以来,我一直在查看 aiml-high 节点包的代码。我最终找出了用户生成的变量的存储位置,并在 aiml-high 节点包中的 aiml-high.js 中添加了两个新方法。


this.getStoredVariables = function() {
  return storedVariableValues;


this.getSpecificStoredVariable = function(v) {
  return storedVariableValues[v];



this.getAttributes = function() {
   return botAttributes;
于 2017-02-23T19:02:13.967 回答