I have what appears to be a unique situation. I recently developed a site where the previous site was as http://holidayheroesfoundation.org. They also had holiday-heroes.org that redirected to holidayheroesfoundation.org. In the new site, they wanted it to resolve to holiday-heroes.org and have holidayheroesfoundation.org redirect to the new site.

Long story short, new site is setup at holiday-heroes.org and http://holidayheroesfoundation.org is redirecting properly. However, Google has index https://holidayheroesfoundation.org for some reason and I've recently learned that you can't redirect a secure domain. Furthermore, there's no hosting associated with the old domain anymore so I can't put an .htaccess file there to redirect. To my knowledge, they never had a certificate on the domain at all.

My question is, how do I either get https:/holidayheroesfoundation.org to redirect to holiday-heroes.org or how to do I get google to remove the incorrect domain entirely from its index?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


1 回答 1

# Rewrite holidayheroesfoundation.org => https://holiday-heroes.org

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   ^www\.holidayheroesfoundation\.org [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://holiday-heroes.org%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]
于 2017-02-25T07:01:50.940 回答